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There is no "Alien vs Predator" for X-Box 360. Unless you are talking about "Alien: Coloniel Mariens" then I don't know

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Q: Can you turn off blood and gore and language in alien vs predator?
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Can you turn off blood and gore and language in aliens vs predator xbox 360?

Yes u can

Are there any movies other than AVP Alien vs Predator that are rated PG-13 for gore?

there is alien, aliens 2, aliens 3, alien resurrection and then u have alien vs. predator and alien vs. predator 2

What is the first avp movie rated?

"AVP: Alien vs. Predator" (2004) is rated 'PG-13' for violence, language, horror images, and gore.

Why is alien v predator 2 rated R?

lots of gore, blood, people getting eaten, and plus the guys who made the first didnt like how they had it pg 13, because all the movies before for both series were bloody and gory, and rated R. They wanted to bring that back.

What is Aliens rated?

Alien (1979) and Alien (2003) are both rated R for sci-fi violence/gore and language.

Is the predator movie rated r?

yes -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Predator(2010) is Rated R for strong creature violence and gore, and pervasive language

What ratting is Halo 2?

M for Mature. It's M for the blood and alien gore

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No you can not

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No there is no way to turn off blood and gore or language in this game

Why Is Halo3 Rated M?

Language, Blood/Gore, Violence

Is halo rated m?

yes for blood, language and gore (halo reach doesn't have any traces of gore)

Can you turn off blood gore and language in army of two?

Sadly......... No.