

Can you turn water into powder?

Updated: 5/29/2024
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11y ago

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One way is to cool the fluid (liquid) below its Curie point of cooling and keeping the same pressure. The liquid would convert into a solid state which could now be turned into a powder by grinding. However, this may work only for Newtonian fluids. (Ice powder, which is a powder of water, is an example of a liquid turned to powder.) Within industry today, the typical method of turning liquids into powder is by "spray drying" a slurry of water with a suspended solid. Using heat to drive off the water, the resulting precipitate falls as a powder into a collecting bag. (Suspensions of silica is an example of a slurry which, when turned to powder, is then used as a filler in tire rubber.) A new, and little known variation of spray drying, is "pulse drying" whereby super-heated air is "pulsed" at the slurry. This new process is also variable, so that the particle characteristics of the powder can be altered during drying.

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1w ago

Water cannot be turned into powder. Powder is a solid substance made up of tiny particles, while water is a liquid made up of molecules. It is not possible to directly convert water into powder through a physical or chemical process.

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11y ago

Yes. The operators of ski resorts do it all the time.

(If it's not obvious, I'm talking about snow.)

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