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Ask your doctor, it depends on your medical history.

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Q: Can you undergo chemotherapy if you don't have a spleen?
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Spleen can be called as?

The spleen is part of the lymphatic system and acts as a filter for the blood. It also helps regulate the body's immune response by producing white blood cells and antibodies.

What can be done to avoid a ruptured spleen?

To avoid a ruptured spleen, it is important to practice safe behaviors such as wearing seat belts while driving, avoiding contact sports without proper protection, and seeking prompt medical attention for blunt force trauma to the abdomen. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle and staying physically active can also help strengthen the spleen and reduce the risk of injury.

When is breast chemotherapy not an option?

Chemotherapy for breast cancer is not an option when the patient is to sick to undergo it, or their body cannot tolerate it. Usually the more advanced the cancer the harder to treat it with just chemotherapy.

How is Hairy cell leukemia treated?

There are three main courses of treatment: chemotherapy, splenectomy (surgical removal of the spleen), and immunotherapy

What other treatments may a pancreatectomy patient with cancer undergo?

Some patients with pancreatic cancer deemed suitable for a pancreatectomy will also undergo chemotherapy and/or radiation therapy.

Examples of a sentence with the word undergo?

Even though the cancer is in remission, he still has to undergo chemotherapy to help ensure that it does not come back.You have to undergo stringent training, tests, and background checks before you can become an FBI agent.

How much hair falls out if you have cancer?

Cancer is not the cause of hair loss, it is actually a cure called Chemotherapy. Generally, when you undergo Chemotherapy treatment, you lose all hair on your body, including eyelash's and eyebrows.

Do people with breast cancer have to undergo chemotherapy?

No one is forced to but that is the most successful treatment so if you want to have a chance to beat it, yes.

Does Michael c hall have cancer?

No, though he did undergo chemotherapy for a treatable form of Hodgkins lymphona in 2010. He was given the all clear after treatment

Do aromatic compounds undergo additon reactions?

Aromatic compounds typically do not undergo addition reactions. Their stability is due to the delocalized pi-electrons in the aromatic ring, making them less reactive towards addition reactions. Instead, aromatic compounds often undergo substitution reactions.

List four things the spleen does with red blood cells?

Filters out damaged or old red blood cells from circulation. Stores and releases a reserve of red blood cells in times of need. Acts as a reservoir for platelets, which are important for blood clotting. Produces red blood cells during fetal development.

What are the Results of spleen removal?

well for one you wont have a spleen anymore, besides you dont really need it anyway, people can survive without their spleen, with just one kidney, and even without their stomach (intestines will carry out the digestion process)