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Q: Can you use Jensen violet on brown hair?
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How can you use Jensen Violet on blonde hair?

if you throw a few drops (not many) into your shampoo bottle, it will make your hair more blonde. Don't use too much though, as your hair will turn purple if you do!

When do you use a violet toner?

you use a violet toner when you bleached your hair and it turned bright yellow . The toner will make your hair whiter like platinum blonde.

Can you use Gentian Violet to dye your hair?


I have ginger hair and the brown hair dye i want says only use on light brown to dark brown hair why can't I use it?

Because if you apply it to your hair it might not come out the color you want it to.

How does your hair get white?

Usually when soneone wants white hair, theu use violet toner on pale blinde hair. Most use bleach to get to pale blonde.

How do you dye faded red hair brown?

Just dye your hair completely brown. Yes. It should cover it but you should use a darker brown.

Can i use 30 volume to color my hair to Sapphire black my hair is dark brown?

No, it would be preferable to use 20 volume developer when going from dark brown to black hair color.

Is this sentence written correctly Jane has a brown hair?

This sentence is written incorrectly. We use Articles of Speech in English; there are only two articles, which are A /An and The. Jane has a brown hair. This would mean she only has ONE hair. You would use "a" when you refer to one item. The correct version for referring to Jane's hair uses no Article of Speech. Jane has brown hair. Jane has brown hair with a red streak through it on the right side. Jane has brown hair with short bangs. Jane has brown hair that she wears in pigtails.

I want to dye my hair dark brown but my hair is blonde. Is this possible?

yes, use hair dye

How do you make your hair blonde from brown?

You use hair dye... to dye it.

What is the difference between Jensen's version ang hucker's modification in gram staining based on reagents and gram reaction to fungi?

What is modified in Jensen's modification of Gram stain? Jensen's modification: This method involves use to methyl violet as primary stain, iodine and potassium iodide in water as mordant, absolute alcohol as decolorizer and neutral red as counterstain

What can you use to color dark brown hair without hair color?

Nothing.. If you use lemon juice it is horrible for your hair because it is very acidic.