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yes, all of the Guitar Hero controllers are compatible within the same console. For example any guitar hero controller made for ps2 will work on any guitar hero game on ps2.

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Q: Does Guitar Hero 3 guitar work for Guitar Hero 1 on PS?
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What Guitar Hero has your chemical romance?

its guitar hero 2 for the xbox ps its MY chemical romance not your chemical romance

How do you conect a Guitar Hero guitar to ps3?

The guitar comes with a usb adapter just plug it in your ps3 and activate the guitar by pressing the PS button on it.

Can you play Rock Band using instruments from Guitar Hero?

Yes. Even though the instruments have different styles, You can still play Rock Band drums, guitar, bass, and vocals on Guitar Hero. yes but say you got guitar hero and you wanted to play rock band with guitar hero guitars but you need the soft where. PS its better if you get guitar hero and then rock band.

Can you play one Guitar Hero guitar for all Guitar Hero games?

NO,because each gh game has different songs I got Ps 3 and i still havent got no custom songs on gh3

Will guitar hero for ps2 work on normal PlayStation?

no unless you have a wired controller with a mod and a really amped-up PS

Why are there two lights on the Guitar Hero guitar?

Hi, I have the PS3 guitar hero world tour and had the same problem, the 2 lights on were number 3 and 4, meaning that the guitar was being setup by the system as the controller number 7, press and hold the PS button to set your guitar to controller number 1.

How do you turn on the Guitar Hero guitar for ps3?

I think you mean tune. You simply find out what the note e sounds like then you put your finger on the fifth fret and play it. this will give you the sound of the next string. you keep repeating that cycle until you come to the g string. Then you press the fourth fret. After that you repeat the normal cycle.

How do you get your guitar hero guitar out of sleep mode because my guitar isn't coming on when i do all the instructions and it is aerosmith version?

press the XBox,PS, or the a button.. depending on which system you have it for... if it doesn't wake up, either the battery is dead or the guitar is broken

How do you hook up guitar hero to playstation?

Plug in the dongle, or cable, then press PS button

How to start guitar for Guitar Hero aerosmith?

Hold down the Xbox guide button on it. Or- Hold down the PS button on it. Or- press a button on the Wii Remote connected to it.

What is a D-pad on a Guitar Hero world tour guitar?

If you have the brown-ish guitar, it's not a d-pad it's more like a joystick. The button you push to turn on the guitar is on it. If you have the black guitar, it's right next to the power button. PS: This is the first question I've ever answered on Wikianswers.

How do you connect a Guitar Hero 3 wireless guitar to the PS3 game console?

Switch the guitar some buttons...if does not work press connect button on receiver then repeat. =]