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Yes. I have and no many who use that exact combination when injecting Morphine

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Q: Can you use a 2mL syringe with a 25-gauge needle to inject morphine?
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What is syringe needle?

A syringe needle is a hollow metal tube with a sharp, pointed tip used to inject or withdraw fluids from the body. It attaches to the syringe to enable precise delivery or extraction of liquids in medical procedures such as vaccinations, blood draws, or injecting medication.

What do you call a hypodermic needle?

A hypodermic needle is often simply referred to as a needle or syringe needle. It is a hollow needle commonly used in medical procedures to inject fluids or extract samples from the body.

Can you intravenously inject ativan pills (crushed)?

No. The particles cannot be crushed small enough to go through the syringe needle.

While trying to inject a b12 shot some of the medicine started leaking out of the needle what did I do wrong?

More than likely you did not have the needle attached to the syringe tight enough. If it came out of the top of the needle there may have been some air in it

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A heparinized needle and syringe are necessary in the collection of?

What are the synonyms for syringe?

needle, hypodermic needle, hypo

Where was the syringe needle invented?

The syringe needle was invented in the United States by Charles Pravaz and Alexander Wood in the mid-19th century. They developed the concept of a hollow needle attached to a syringe for medical injections.

What is an syringe and how is it used?

A syringe is an injection. It is a small tube with a measuring cylinder and a needle to eject the liquid into the body. To use it, you must pour the liquid into the cylinder and slightly tap it, then you push the tab down so the liquid is released from the needle and into the body. Syringes are often used for medicinal purposes however many food manufacturers use it to inject an ingredient into their product, for example jam inside a doughnut would be injected with a syringe.

Can you use 27 gauge needle for testosterone?

Yes, I do so weekly. Use a 22 or 23 gauge needle to draw the test, then switch to the 27 gauge 1.25 inch needle. I heart the loaded syringe on a heating pad for about 10 minutes to loosen up the oil, then inject. Much less pain than a larger needle.

What is the length of a subcutaneous injection?

Depends on how long the needle is and how big the syringe is. Or, if you're asking about the length of time a subQ injection takes, it only takes a few seconds, less if there's not much to inject.

How do you connect a needle and syringe?

The needle of the syringe is put into a container that has medicine in it. The handle of the syringe is pulled back, drawing the medicine into the tube. The needle is then jabbed into the body and the handle is pushed forward, sending the medicine from the tube, through the needle, into the body.

Which direction do you properly inject meth into vein?

Although I highly recommend you to stay clear from any form of injecting, intravenously or otherwise, since the process of preparing a shot and injecting it is already very addictive in itself, and once you've injected it's very hard to use other drugs without doing it by injecting. However, for the sake of harm reduction I'll answer your question the best I can. When injecting intravenously, always insert the needle towards your heart, so you don't inject against the bloodflow. So when you inject in the crook of your arm, point the needle towards your shoulder instead of your hand. It's also very important to always make shure you're actually in the vein before you push down the plunger of the syringe, to prevent missing your shot and possibly causing an abscess. When you think the needle is in a vein, slightly pull the plunger, if you're in a vein a cloud of blood will enter the syringe and you'll know you're in a vein. If you pull on the plunger but no blood enters the syringe, pull your syringe/needle out, remove the used needle from the syringe and safely dispose of it by putting the cap back on it and place a new unused needle on the syringe to repeat the injection process 1 cm or half an inch further up your arm. But like I said, please stay away from the needle or you'll regret it for the rest of your life and whatever you do, stay safe.