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That is what you do with a stamp, put it on a letter to pay for it to be delivered. You always use the postage from the country you are mailing the item in.

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Q: Can you use a US stamp to mail letter to Canada?
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Can you send a Canadian letter with a us stamp?

The stamp has to be accepted where you mail the letter. If you are mailing in Canada, you need a Canadian stamp. If you are in the US mailing to Canada, you can use a US stamp.

Can you use Liberty Bell stamps to mail to Canada?

To mail a single letter to Canada, the stamp must be equivalent to the postage cost. As long as the stamp is equal to the postage, any letter can be sent with any kind of postage stamp.

How do you use a stamp?

As postage to mail something like a letter.

Can I use American stamps to send a letter back to the US from Canada?

No, you can't. You should go to your local U.S. post office and purchase a Canadian stamp to mail your letter.

Can you use an American stamp to mail a letter to Scotland?

No of course not! you'd need an airmail stamp.

How much is a Forever stamp worth I want to use them to mail a package?

The value of the Forever Stamp is the domestic First-Class Mail letter price in effect on the day of use.

Can you use 2 Canada postage stamps instead of 1 US stamp?

No, you cannot do this. Stamps used to mail a letter have to be those of the country where the letter is mailed. The International Postal Union helps with the regulation and trading of mail between countries and appropriate compensation.

Do you need a different stamp for shipping to Canada or US first class is okay?

Any US Postage stamp with a denomination on it is valid for international mail. You cannot use the Letter Series (A through H series) that don't have a number on them.

Can you use a forever stamp when sending a card to Canada?

No. The forever stamp is intended for domestic use only and doesn't meet the requirements of the Universal Postal Union for international mail.

What kind of stamp do you use for UK?

To send a letter to the UK, First Class (that's Air Mail,) the stamp costs $1.02.

Can you use American stamps to mail a letter from London?

No, you can only use British stamps for mail posted in London. (You wouldn't expect to be able to use a stamp from a different country on a letter mailed in the USA.)

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