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Yes, but if the rat cage has built in tunnels and wheels, take out the wheel and tunnels, because the guinea pig might try to spin on the wheel or climb through the tunnels, and that could KILL IT!!! you see, guinea pigs have very fragile spines, so they can't bend in that "U" shape, or else their spines will snap.
NO NO NO!! It may be WAAY to small from them! I agree with the person above me, Their spines cant bend that way. The only exersize most guinea pigs get are walking around in their cage.

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Q: Can you use a cage for that was meant for a rat for a guinea pig?
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Will a rat go into a guinea pig cage?

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What animal can you put in an old hamster cage?

a rat, mouse, gerbil, guinea pig, basically any rodent

Can a ginni-pig breed with a rat?

Technically yes, breeding the two together however poses serious harm to both the guinea pig and the rat and is in fact against the law in some states.

Can you feed a guinea pig rat food?

no the guinea pigs wont even touch the rat food THANK YOU

Out of a geril guinea pig hamster mouse or rat which one has the longets life span?

Guinea pig. They live 6-8 years.

Guinea pig in the same cage with a baby rat?

No, they eat totally different things, and if they ate each others, they would probably become very ill and die. I know this from experience...

Which would you recommend as a pet mouse rat or guinea pig?

I would recommend a guinea pig because they are more playful and want you to hold and love them.

What is better a guinea pig or a rat?

A guinea pig, definitely. It might seem weird but they are very sweet and affectionate and if you get the right bedding, they don't smell!

Is a pig part cat part rat and dog?

a guinea pig is from the rodent family and that is the same group as rats, mice and hamsters.

Can a rat eat an adult guinea pig?

no, guinea pigs get quite large when they get to be an adult and can be just as vicious as rats if they want to be.

Hamster guinea pig or rat?

depends how much responsibility you want as a guinea pig and rat are alot guinea pigs are most of the time kept outside in a large hutch where as hamsters are kept in a cage indoors rabbits needs to be fed fruits and veg daily hamsters dont overall guinea pigs need alot more care and attention and also cost alot more to take care of guinea pigs are not nocturnal unlike hamsters and rats so if u want to interqact with your pet throughout the day id reccomend a guinea pig but the options are totally up to you you pick which pet will suit your scedual best most of all do your research if u choose hamster dont get a small cage it will really stress them out thank you Aim

Is a guinea pig part rat and part rabbit or is it just natural?

It's just natural.