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yes, i used a wired 360 controller. I havent tried a wireless one, but I assume that as long as u have wireless cpu adapter for it that it would also work

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Will the gaming software make use of a PC gamepad?

Some games may use the use of a PC gamepad, but it is on a game by game basis.

Can you use the Wii U gamepad on the Wii?

The Wii U gamepad cannot be used with the Wii.

Can you use the Wii U Gamepad on a Wii?

No. The Wii U gamepad is not compatible with the original Wii.

Can you play games online with a gamepad controller?

there is a program called joy2key google it and you may use it to simulate keyboard thro gamepad

Does New Super Mario Bros U require the gamepad to play?

For single player, you can choose to use either a Gamepad or a Wii Remote Plus. However, there are certain multiplayer modes that require the Gamepad.

What are the disadvantages of gamepad?

The gamepad offers several advantages over traditional joysticks and computer keyboards, allowing you to have increased control over the virtual characters you navigate. You use fewer fingers while you play a game and don't need to connect the gamepad to the game console. Understanding a gamepad's advantages helps you determine if a gamepad is right for you.

Can you use an Xbox 360 gamepad to play Call of Duty 4 on the PC?

simply, yes... you can play COD 4 with any gamepad...

Can you use a GamePad Without a Wii you Machine?

No sadly you cannot but you can play with the gamepad as long as the console has power so you can play an assortment of games that dont need the television

What do you use a gamepad for?

they use game controllers because if they didn't invent them how would u play games

How can you use your wireless or wired PC usb gamepad on Mac OSX?

The GamePad Companion software (See links below) allows most gamepads to be configured to work with Mac OS X.

Is the Wii U charger wireless?

No, both the AC Adapter for the console and the gamepad use a cord

Can you use Xpadder on a Mac?

No, but there is a program you can get called Gamepad Companion that does the same thing, but it's for Mac.