

Can you use a sentence with the word alphabet?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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6y ago

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There's a number in my alphabet soup!

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Q: Can you use a sentence with the word alphabet?
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How do you use the word alphabet in a sentence?

"I have to use the alphabet to form a sentence" Is a sentence you can use, using the word "alphabet"...If that's what you were asking.

How do you use the word alpha in a sentence?

Alpha is the first letter of the Greek alphabet.

Can you use alphabet in a sentence?

The English alphabet has 26 letters, or The alphabet is fun to say.

What is a sentence using the word calligraphy?

technically, your question. perhaps a sentence like "In china, people use calligraphy instead of a written alphabet

What is a word that defines a sentence that contains all 26 letters of the alphabet?

A sentence that contains all 26 letters of the alphabet is known as a 'pangram'.

Can you use 'is with i'?

Only in the sentence,' I is the ninth letter of the alphabet'.

Could you use I is in a sentence?

Yes. I is the 9th letter in the alphabet.

Can you put the word precede in a sentence?

The letter "a" precedes the letter "b" in the alphabet.

How would you use consonants in a sentence?

Consonants are the letters of the alphabet that are not vowels.

Make Chinese the subject of the sentence?

The Chinese use a very difficult alphabet.

Which sentence uses every letter in the alphabet?

There isn't a word that uses every letter of the alphabet. The Guinness Book of World Records gives this as the shortest sentence to use all 26 letters "Mr Jock, T.V.Quiz Ph.D, bags few lynx."

Is it alphabet or alphabets?

If you are talking about a singular noun, the proper word is alphabet. For example, "I know the English alphabet." However, if you are talking about the plural noun, the word to use is alphabets. For example, "The alphabets of Spanish and German are somewhat different from that of English."