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Q: Can you use apple cider vinegar in a steam iron to clean it?
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How to Remove dog poop smells out of hard wood floor?

To remove dog fecal smells out of hardwood floors it is best to steam clean the floors with an apple cider vinegar solution of half vinegar and half water. Repeat if the smell does not leave the floor the first time.

How do you clean a burned iron?

To clean a steam iron use white vinegar, the same as you would to clean a coffee pot. Fill the resiviour with a half water half vinegar solution, let it heat, then push the steam button until the resiviour is half empty.the dump out the rest and rinse the resiviour 4-5 times with clean water pushing the stream button until the steam no longer smells like vinegar......viola you have a clean iron!

Is it OK to clean natural stone floors with steam cleaner?

You can't clean wood floors with a steam cleaner, but natural stone floors should not be harmed by this method. Vinegar and water is the best way to clean stone floors.

How do you clean water build up out of a steam cleaner?

run straight vinegar or CLR through it and let it sit about 20 min.

Can you clean the steam iron's reservoir using the cleaner CLR?

no - not recommended. It can damage interior of iron. Use equal parts water & vinegar

Can you put vinegar in steam mop?

Yes you can put vinegar in a steam mop, it picks up more dirt and stains.

What is the most effective treatment for sore throat?

Gargle With Warm Salt Water. ... ... Mix up an Apple Cider Vinegar drink. ... Suck on Garlic. ... Have A Marshmallow. ... Steam It Out. ... Kick It With Cayenne. ... Drink Licorice Root Tea. all are known home remedies. You can also seek advice from a pharmacists who may advise throat lozenges or if the symtoms persist of escalate seek a doctors advice immediately

Can you steam clean bambo floors?

highly NOT recommended to steam clean any wood or laminate floors

Can you clean wood floors with a steam mop?

No, you cannot clean wood floors with a steam mop. The steam will cause the wood to bubble and will get a mould underneath it.

Can you use vinegar instead of lemon juice to clean the microwave?

It depends on how you are planning to use it. Microwaving the vinegar is not recommended, as vinegar is expensive; microwaving a cup of water and then wiping can remove dirt inside a microwave cheaply. Moistening a cloth with vinegar and wiping the microwave may or may not work; vinegar works well on removing limescale, but that is an alkaline residue, so vinegar reacts with it. If I were you I would stick to recognised cleaning products or the cup of water method mentioned above.

Is it okay to steam clean gold coins?

Is it okay to steam clean vintage gold coins

What is the state of matter for apple juice and bread and a textbook and steam?

Apple juice is a liquid, bread is a solid, a textbook is a solid, and steam is a gas