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I did when my dog got pink-eye. I used the same ointment I had for it, and it
worked fine.

NO! If your dog has an eye problem, see a veterinarian and have it properly diagnosed and treated.

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Q: Can you use bacitracin in a dogs eye?
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Can bacitracin ointment be used to treat pink eye?

Generally, no. Bacitracin ointment should not be applied near the eye unless it is Bacitracin ophthalmic ointment. Even that medicine, however, is only useful against bacterial infections, and only some of those. Most cases of "pink eye" are caused by viruses, and are therefore not treatable with Bacitracin.

Can use bacitracin zinc ointment for impetigo?

BacitracinBacitracin interferes with bacterial cell wall synthesis and is primarily active against the Gram-positive bacteria S aureusand streptococci.[9] Most Gram-negative organisms and yeasts are resistant. Topical bacitracin is effective for the treatment of superficial bacterial infections of the skin, such as impetigo, furunculosis, and pyodermas. Bacitracin is a component of many commercial products, both singly and as part of TAO.

Can you use eye wash in dogs?

I Wouldn't

Is bacitracin safe for cats?

You shouldn't use bacitracin on any pet. Keep it out of reach of small children, too.

Can you use neomycin and polymyxin b on your dog?

My vet prescribed Fougera brand Neomycin and Polymyxin B Sulfates and Bacitracin Zinc Ophthalmic Ointment USP for use in my dog when she had an eye infection.

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What kind of eye trouble is the dog having?

Can you use eye drops on dogs?

Yes, I did it for my 10-year old dog KAKA. He has a lot gum in the left eye. I put some clear eye drop into his, and it gets better.

Can you fix a dogs lazy eye?

A dogs lazy eye can be fixed by putting a patch over the strong eye. this will force to dog to use its weak lazy eye and will make it stronger and hopefully straighten its eye.

What eye drop you can use on dogs?

only ones given by your vet.

Can humans use dog eye drops?

Im pretty sure a dog should use DOG eye drops not humans..if u use human ones it will preobably get the dogs eye infected :I

The first American to use a Seeing Eye dog?

"Seeing Eye" is a trademark for The Seeing Eye, a guide dog training school in the U.S. It was founded in 1929. Only dogs trained by the Seeing Eye can properly be called "Seeing Eye dogs." Guide dogs in general have been trained since at least as early as the middle ages.

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My dog had an eye surgery, do I apply neomycin and polymyxin b sulfates bacitracin zinc opthalmic ointment usp to the eyelid where a growth was removed or to the eyeball itself?