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Yes just rub it in and use about 3 times a week for 2 weeks

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Q: Can you use cod liver oil on your butt?
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Can you use cod liver oil to get a bigger butt?

No it doesn't it makes every part of your body fatter but your butt!!!!! I suggest but pills and i know it sounds wierd but my friend did it and it worked, massaging your butt really does work!!!!

What does cod liver oil do for chickens?

yes it will not harm them:) hope this helps:)

Will cod liver oil help your cat to remove a hair ball?

Cod Liver Oil can induce toxic levels of Vitamin A in your cat. Please dont use it. Refer to this: and this: You should be aware of the same issues of excess Vitamin A and D in your own use of CLO. Keep in mind total Vitamin A and D intake from taking tablet supplements, fortified milk and fortified cereals in conjunction the cod liver oil.

What is the difference between the omega 3 oil that you get in omega 3 fish oil or omega oils in norweigen cod liver oil?

First, there is a difference between fish oil and cod liver oil. It might seem obvious, but with fish oil you get omega 3 fatty acids, extracted from the flesh rather than livers of cod fish. Saying that most of the companies use the leftovers of fish meal production to extract cod liver oil, you need to look for fermented cod liver oil, e.g., Green Pastures Fermented Cod Liver Oil, if you want the oil extracted only from livers of the Arctic cod. With cod liver oil, in general, you get less omega 3 oils, but it comes with extras - vitamin A and vitamin D that are essential for health and overall well being, and cannot be produced by your body. From fish oil, by and large, you get only EPA and DHA known as omega 3 fatty acids, but the amounts vary depending on the exact processing method used. Norwegian cod liver oil is considered superior to others simple because they source fish from much cleaner, pollutant free waters, which in it self minimises risk of contamination with heavy metals and PCBs, linked to heart disease and cancer. So, if you want to have without direct side effects go for Norwegian products.

Where to store liquid cod liver oil?

Buy in small dark bottles and store in a cook dark place, use it quickly or within two momths

How do you put sustained in a sentence?

She sustained a minor injury during the soccer game.

What recipes use truffle oil?

One of the best recipes that use truffle oil is Cod with potatoes. This is a Portuguese dish and it is perfect with truffle oil.

Can you use the liquid from vitamin a gel cap directly on your face?

The Vitamin A in a vitamin A capsule consists of the actual oily vitamin plus some additional oil to bring it to the strength stated on the bottle. It is fine to use it on your face, as there are many products made as ointments or liquids that contain Vitamin A already. Examples are cod liver oil or Vitamin A and D ointment.

How are capsules completely filled with oil eg cod liver without getting any oil on the outside?

All modern soft-gel encapsulation uses variations of a process developed by R.P. Scherer in 1933. His innovation was to use a rotary die to produce the capsules, with the filling taking place by blow molding (injecting).

Cod liver oil tablets for downed pasterns?

Absolutely! Old time breeders of large breeds (especially German Shepherds) used cod liver oil to fortify the diets of their dogs and puppies. I recently had a conversation with the daughter of Lloyd Brackett (well known author of genetics and German Shepherd breeder) and her father did indeed use cod liver oil. Today's pet food companies are misinformed on the importance of vitamin D. Larger amounts are necessary to insure proper bone and ligament growth in growing dogs. To be really effective, cod liver oil should be fed starting at the time of weaning. Amounts to use: Homemade diets- Shepherd puppies from time of weaning (same dosage as they grow) 1 (normal) to 2 (pastern issues) tablespoons per day. Change back to normal amount when issues have been resolved. With commercial puppy foods: 1/2 to one tablespoon per day. Use higher amount temporarily until issues resolve. This will not prevent hip dysplasia. That is a completely different deficiency. Much research has been done regarding the use of natural selenium (not the sodium selenite used in pet foods). Selenium can be added up to a maximum of .2 mg per day for large breeds, including puppies. Hope this helps a lot of puppy owners!!!

What do humans use fish for?

Fish can be used for dietary supplements, such as Omega 3 Fatty Acids or Cod Liver Oil. Fish can also be used as food for different meal courses.

What are the most common constipation remedies available?

There are some over the counter remedies available for constipation. Some over the counter remedies are exlac or any stool softener. You can also use cod liver oil to help lubricate your bowels to help the movement pass with ease.