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Yes you can. I collect Lord of the Rings and it works fine on them. It will be a bit shiny but it works anyway!

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Q: Can you use enamel for your warhammer 40k models?
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Can you use Warhammer 40k epic in Warhammer 40k?

AnswerYou can't because the Epic models are tiny compared to the Warhammer 40,000 models. However, some of the larger Epic Titan models can be easily converted into Space Marine or Chaos Space Marine Dreadnaughts, or Ork Killa Kans and Deff Dreds

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It is better just to varnish metal models but for all models that you are varnishing it is best to use Matt varnish or purity seal

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Yes, they are one of the most prevalent sets of models used to play with the Imperial Guard Codex.

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Answer With an opponents permission you can use Forge World models, but with the Apocalypse expansion a lot of Forge World models are now available for legal use in an apocalypse game, and many of them are now made in plastic by GW for a fraction of the cost for the resin models.

What is kit-bashing in warhammer 40k?

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Yes, they are members of the imperium.

Can you use a keeper of secrets deamon of slaanesh in a 40k army?

If it is in the Warhammer 40k codex for Daemons, then yes. If not you can always substitute the model for some other Slaanesh daemon.

In warhammer 40k do you have to use the full rule book and a codex or can you just use a codex?

AnswerNo. There is soooo much stuff in the rulebook that isn't in the codex.

Can warhammer 40k space marine assault squads use assault weapons?

yes. they can use any weapons that are allowed in the Codex: Space Marines.

Can orks in warhammer 40k use other races' weapons?

To my knowledge no, but I don't know the Ork codex very well. I do know they can use "looted wagons" though.

What is the difference between Wh 40k and 40K epic?

warhammer 40,000 is a tabletop battle game taking place in the far future as many of you know, in it you use normal sized figures but in epic you use many more smaller scale models, so that you can stage battles of more "epic" proportions, in epic a thunder hawk gunship can fit into the palm of your hand, and you may have over two hundred models but your army would still fit on the face of a book.