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Yes you can, but read the instructions on the pen/packet if it does not have the needed information look it up or ask some one in the shop where you bought/bye it.

(I have just finished my design on my plimsolls and it turned out fine I have not fixed the colour yet as I am waiting for them to dry but it has worked fine so far. )

Good luck!

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Q: Can you use fabric markers on canvas shoes?
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How do you stop fabric markers from spreading?

Jo Ann's sells these. Why not ask them? Or try to contact the manufacturer of these markers directly. It should be on the marker label. By the way, I have use these markers to dye a pair of satin shoes and a purse. They worked wonderfully.

What name brand paint do you use to paint shoes?

:) Personally, I wouldn't use paint to customize my shoes, since after awhile the paint will wear out and eventually change the colour of your shoes. But! If you truly want too, find some simple "Air Brush" paint. :D that is non washable, and that should work out gorgeously for you!

What is the name of ballet shoes?

The ballet shoes that professionals use are called pointe shoes. They are shoes made specially for the dancers to dance on their toes. They are hardened with layers of fabric and glue that the dancer has stability. Softer shoes are just ballet slippers and are often made of canvas.

How can you make neon pink dye for fabric?

use floursescent markers

What do they use canvas cotton to make?

Cotton canvas is useful for many heavy-duty requirements, including tents, shoes and other applications.

How do you clean fabric shoes?

Well you dont put it on in the first place because it looks so obvious that it is there i have done it and with a £45 pair of addidas canvas shoes that were white then i put them in the wash to get the whitener out didn't work i tried everything, doesnt work, best thing to do is...

What kind of fabric do they use to make pointe shoes?

satin usually.

What is the use of canvas?

Canvas is a strong and heavy-weight closely woven fabric used for clothing, chairs, backpacks, duffle bags, sails, or tents. Most oil paintings are done on canvas fabric stretched tightly and fastened on a frame. The verb canvas (canvased,canvassing) means to solicit votes from potential voters in an electoral campaign or get the opinions of people by asking specific questions.

If you wrote on a shirt but wanted to keep it but wash it how could you do it?

You use a permanent marker or you can get special markers called "fabric markers" that are for that type of stuff and stay on your clothes - or any material even when you wash it

Can you use fabric paint on shoes?

You can decorate with fabric paint on fake patent shoes. Most store like Waltmart, Zellers etc... have a section on fabric paint, it comes in tube or bottle and once dried it will not come off.

How can you use textile in designing a wall?

One way is to get canvas frames with-out the canvas, stretch the textile of your choice over the frame for a picture, you can do this with many different sized frames, mix & match, you can also use fabric to cover all or parts of the wall.

What type of material did she use for her paintings?

The type of fabric an artist typically draws on is called a canvas. Consisting of cotton or linen materials, it replaced wooden panels as the most popular option in drawing.