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Yes. Some mice may not use the wheel but all the toys are exceptable for mice.

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Q: Can you use hamster accessories except for food for fancy mice?
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How do you care for a pregnant fancy hamster?

Just give her everything she needs. Plenty of food and water. During this time it's best not to pick up your hamster as much - especially towards the end of her pregnancy. Pregnant hamsters sometimes often pull out their fur, to make a nest in preparation of her unborn babies. This, however, is completely normal.

What fruit and veggies can fancy bear hamsters eat?

they eat apples oranges mangos kiwi pomogramits and hamster food, sunflowerseeds

What is the best hamster food to get?

Save the hamster food

What to give a hamster?

the healthy food (minerals) vitamins protein fat these should be on the hamster food cage big enough to explore also is good wit some accessories tubes hamsters will enjoyed the play ball to run around the house he will doesn't lost which is good...

What kind of seed do you feed your hamster?

You shouldn't feed your hamster seed except as an occasional treat according to my exotic vet as they will pick out only the things they love and not get a balanced diet rich in protein which the need. Get a pelleted or block type of hamster food to feed them properly. The seeded food also contribute to the hamster being overweight due to the fat content in seed preparations.

hamster how would they eat food?

like any small animal......except they use there hands....most time they store food in there cheeks pouches. that is why there so chubby when they eat

What is a high protein hamster food?

Go to store and look at the ingredients of the food on the hamster food package.

What food is the most healthy for a hamster?

Complete hamster mix, food that's specifically for hamsters.

Can gerbils eat hamster food?

Yes! In fact, ALL hamster food is made for Hamsters AND Gerbils! It is perfectly fine to give gerbils the hamster food, and also to give hamsters gerbil food!

Are teddy bear hamsters allowed to eat cheese?

teddy bear hamsters are allowed to eat cheese i give my teddy bear hamster cheese and he loves it but don't give to much of it to it , because tomuch of any food (except their reg. food) isn't good for a hamster DONT SPOIL IT!

When can baby hamsters eat hamster food?

Baby hamster's only drink their mother's milk and they proceed to eat hamster food once they're weaned.

What do you feed your hamster?

If you go to the pet store, you will find hamster food there.