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Q: Can you use household bleach on your teeth?
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How much household bleach should i use to bleach my weave?

DO NOT use household bleach it will dissolve it. Buy prelightener and peroxide.

Can you use household bleach to bleach your butt crack?

Yes you can use normal bleach to bleach your anus

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use cleaners such as soap or bleach[bleach is not recommended]

Can you bleach your teeth so they can be whitter?

Yes, with tooth whitening toothpaste and tooth whitening treatments applied by a dentist. Know, however, that this weakens the enamel and makes it more suseptible to decay. Plus the whitening doesn't last forever.

What is the correct make up of the soulution to disinfect the protective mask?

mix 3.5 cups of household bleach per 2 gallons of water or mix 2 Teaspoons of household bleach per 1 gallon of water

How do you use household bleach on your anus?

That is decidedly dangerous as the bleach can cause serious skin damage to this sensitive area

Is household bleach toxic to pregnant woman?

Household bleach is toxic, if ingested, to anyone.

Can you bleach hair with household bleach?

No, you cannot.

Will household bleach whiten porcelain crowns?

I suppose it could, but it would be an unbelievably stupid thing to do, as the chlorine in bleach can be deadly. Since you cannot control the exact strength of a bleach mixture, you would most likely end up eating the enamel off your teeth (Really!). Even the safe tooth whitening gels containing peroxide will eat away at your teeth and tiny bit per use.

What do dentists use to bleach teeth?

While you could clean a dentist with bleach (it isn't likely to harm them), if they don't consent to the service, they are not likely to be very cooperative.

What household items dye hair?

You can use household items such as bleach to dye your hair. You can also use drink packets such as Kool-Aid to dye your hair.

Should you soak your dentures in household bleach?

Denture Acrylic is porous and soaking your dentures in bleach would allow it to soak into the pores. Even if you rinse them after you would not get it out. Bleach is toxic and should not be in your mouth. Use a proper denture cleaner