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Yes, it should be able.

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2w ago

Yes, litmus paper can be used to test for amniotic fluid. It will turn blue if the pH is greater than 7.5, which is indicative of amniotic fluid. However, it is recommended to confirm the result with a healthcare provider.

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What color litmus paper is used to test acids?

Litmus paper.

How do you do a pregnancy test with litmus paper?

You cannot predict pregnancy with litmus paper. litmus paper detect pH not HCG

What is a litmus paper and how to use it?

A litmus paper is a indicator that is used to test for acids or bases

What COLOR of litmus paper do you need to test pH level?

Blue litmus paper

What litmus paper would you use to test for an acid and what is the color change?

Red litmus paper is used to test for acids. If the substance is acidic, the red litmus paper will turn blue.

What substance is used to determine the presence of an acid or base?

by using an indicator like litmus paper!!!

How do you test if somethings is acids?

The presence of acid can be detected by using an indicator such as litmus paper. Litmus paper turns blue litmus to red.

What colour will it be when a acidic is test with a blue litmus paper?

litmus paper turns blue litmus red when tested on an acid and red litmus blue when tested on a base

What is red litmus paper?

test for bases.

When you test pH you use pH paper what is it called?

Litmus paper

What is a special paper that is used to test acids and bases?

Litmus paper

What is the process by which ammonia gas is produce at the bottom of the test tube comes in contact with the litmus paper at the mouth of the test tube?

When ammonia gas is produced at the bottom of the test tube and comes in contact with the litmus paper at the mouth of the test tube, it reacts with the water on the litmus paper to form ammonium hydroxide. This reaction changes the color of the litmus paper from red to blue, indicating the presence of ammonia gas. The ammonia gas diffuses up the test tube to reach the litmus paper due to differences in concentration.