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No, it can't.

Try flushing your system with lots of cranberry juice, if you drink enough it WILL work.

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Q: Can you use nicoden to clean THC from your system?
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Related questions

Does regular niacin flush THC from your system?

Yes, but the amount you should use depends on how much you weigh, and how much THC you have in your system.

What can you use to clean THC?

Lots of water and little food

Can twenty eight niacin pills clean your system of THC in 2 weeks?

after a single use, THC stays in your system for about 1-6 days. that many pills of anything seems really unhealthy

How long will Strip NC complete body cleanser keep your urine clean of THC?

There is nothing that keeps your body completely clean of THC. The only way to have a clean body is not to use any drugs.

How can you come clean in a drug test from THC without testing diluted?

Don't use pot.

Will you test negative for THC after 31 days of no use?

most likely, the average person will get all of the THC out of their system in about 30 days

What can you use other then a detox kit to clean THC out of your system fast?

From my past experience I would say drink alot of water and take alot of pisses. <><><><> THC is not water soluble, it is fat soluble. Gorging on water does nothing but make your gurgle. Stop smoking weed.

Will boiling water clean your pipe from THC?

I don't know about that, but you can just use rubbing alcohol and a toothbrush.

Can creatine clean your system of THC?

Creatine does absolutely nothing to clean out your system. People use creatine for a drug test when they drink huge amounts of water to dilute their urine. However when you dilute, your creatine level drops to an abnormal state, and labs can detect this. People take creatine to make their creatine levels average when they dilute.

What is the main use of ganja?

Well the bluntest answer is to get high. it may be to relieve stress or pain, or just for fun. but if you want to get technical about it then the main use is to get THC into your system and use the THC to get high. But ether way, its used to get high.

How long does THC stay in your system if you dont smoke a lot?

Probably a week or 2. THC can stay in your body for up to 28 days if you use it almost daily.

Can you get marijuana out of your system with jello?

No. The main chemical THC can remain in your system for up to 3 months depending on the quantity and frequancy of your use.