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If it is zoned properly to permit two families to live in the property the answer would be yes in most US jurisdictions. To give the family with the lower credit rating ownership in the home(s)/apartments the principal buyer would have the deed made out in both names. There should also be a legal document defining both families roles in making payments, etc.


It all depends on the lender. In many cases the lender will only approve the party with the good credit rating and require that they hold sole title to the property. In fact, there have been many cases where a married couple each have different ratings and lender requires that the property be transferred by the party with the poor credit rating to the other party. You need to check with the lender.

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Q: Can you use one family's credit rating to get a mortgage for two families?
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Can you obtain a home equity loan on a family home that does not have a mortgage?

Yes, as long as you have a good enough credit rating to qualify for the mortgage.Yes, as long as you have a good enough credit rating to qualify for the mortgage.Yes, as long as you have a good enough credit rating to qualify for the mortgage.Yes, as long as you have a good enough credit rating to qualify for the mortgage.

What is the cause of poor credit mortgage?

Often previous bad debts can have a huge impact on receiving a poor credit mortgage. It is worth having an official credit rating carried out to determine your rating, as this will also inform you as to why you have a good or bad rating.

Does making extra principal payments to your mortgage have any affect on your credit rating?

Yes, it will shorten the time in which the mortgage is on your credit report.

If you are not the primary person on the mortgage is you credit rating affected?

As long as you are on the mortgage it will show on your credit report and effect you credit no matter if you are the primary, secondary or co-signer

How can someone get a mortgage with a bad credit rating?

Firstly if you haven't already, obtain a copy of your credit history to check the details and remove any incorrect details which may be affecting your credit rating. If you still have a bad rating then seek advice from an independent mortgage advisor. There are specialist companies available who will arrange mortgages for people with bad credit ratings.

What does bad credit mortgage rate mean?

A bad credit mortgage is sometimes called a sub prime mortgage. It is for people with low credit rating who wish to purchase a house. Due to the risk of lending to such people, the rate will be slightly higher.

If you join into a mortgage as a spouse but are not liable for the underlying indebtedness will this affect your credit rating?

You need to discuss this issue with an unbiased professional. If you "join into" a mortgage you are indeed liable for the underlying indebtedness. Otherwise the lender wouldn't ask you to sign the mortgage. If the mortgage goes into default it will not only affect your credit rating but the lender can go after you for payment.

How to obtain a mortgage with bad credit?

If you have a bad credit rating, you will have to pay a higher interest rate. This will be like a penalty for having bad credit.

What can be done to help someone get mortgages if they have bad credit?

It would be very difficult to get a mortgage with bad credit. A mortgage broker may be able to help, but in order to get a mortgage it is usually advisable to get a good credit rating by taking out small loans first.

Why are there two mortgage rates?

Often, a mortgage rate depends on the person's credit. If the credit rating is good, then they usually get a lower interest rate. But if their credit is not good or if they have not yet established a credit history, then they often pay a higher rate.

Where can you get advice on how to get a mortgage when you have a bad credit rating?

Advice on how to get a mortgage with bad credit ratings can be found from many different online sources. Some examples include Zillow, uSwitch, and Experian.

What is the effect on your credit rating immediately after you get a mortgage?

You must have some sort of valid credit rating in order to get the mortgage to begin with (unless you went through one of those "last chance" guys that charge 25% on the principal) and as long as you don't default on any payments your credit rating can only go up. The rating is a reflection of your ability to pay off debt. Getting a mortgage will affect any future amounts you may wish to borrow only in regard as to the amount. You can only carry so much debt based on your income, regardless of how fabulous your credit rating may be.