

Can you use shampoo with a curling sponge to get curls?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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Q: Can you use shampoo with a curling sponge to get curls?
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How do you get curls?

it helps to use certain shampoos that make your hair curl also if you use cold water and just shampoo makes curls more.

How do you make cute curls?

Use a curling wand instead of a curling iron. A wand should be about an inch thick and has no clip on it. You hand wrap your hair around it and just hold it there. Then, once you're done, split your curls (break them in two)!

How do you make it straight?

Use of Anti-Frizzing/Curling shampoo/gel with use of hair straighteners. GHDs are good.

How do you make thick hair curl?

Use a curling iron. Using a larger barreled curling iron will make large curls. Remember: the larger the barrel size, the larger the curl.

What is curling hair?

Curling Straight hair can be easy but it depends on the tools you use to do so, using curling tongs are easy if it has the metal panel flattening the hair to the hot circular band . but if you use irons you can not guarantee to get perfect curls because with irons you have to flatten the hair in-between the ironing panels and turn the iron up from you and pull down but as you do that you will have to twist your hair around the irons and pull but if you find yourself tugging at your hair you twisted it to tight so you will have to uncurl your hair from it a little and continue with this process and with this technique you will find you will have great loose curls or tight curls or it just didn't work (if you keep practising you will be happy with your result). when curing your hair with the curling tongs you will have to wrap a piece of your hair around and hold their (unless you have a metal panel to hold your hair down to the hot curling panel) and when you finally release your hair from the curling tongs you will find you have tight curls or loose curls or curls that went wrong. this process can be used on curly hair also (if you want to neaten your hair up).

How would one get soft curly hair?

For those with curly hair that wish to have soft hair, high quality shampoos and conditioners will create softer hair. If you are looking for soft, curly hair but have straight hair, you will need to shampoo your hair with anti-frizz shampoo, then squeeze excess water from your hair with a towel. After drying, brush the hair and use a curling iron to create curls.

How do you get your hair to have nice curls?

curl it you could use curling tongs, straighteners, rags, gel or just twist yous hair and sleep with it overnight

How do you make a guys hair soft and flat without using an iron?

yes use shampoo and conditioner often (or rinse and repeat witch ever one you prefer) and use suav anti curls and that should get your hair nice and flat note:the conditioner must also be suav anti curls so must the shampoo

Is curling hair with a curling iron a chemical or physical change?

Mostly a physical change. There's really no chemicals from a curling iron its self. Some people use special shampoos to curl their hair. I suggest using the curling iron if you want the curls to last a short time. The chemicals stay in for about a week, so if you want them daily, use the chemicals. But if your head is sensitive, then don't use it for too long.

What temperature should a curling iron be for 'wavy hair?

I have wavy hair (more straight than wavy) and I always use the highest setting. Why? Because your curls last longer and it is less damaging to use the curling iron on hottest setting once than over and over again on low.

Which curling iron will make my hair look like I just had a perm?

Use sponge curlers to make my hair look like you just had a perm.

How would you divide a demonstration speech into three parts about curling hair?

Introduction: Explain the purpose of curling hair, provide an overview of the demonstration, and highlight the key tools and products needed. Body: Demonstrate the step-by-step process of curling hair, including how to prep the hair, use the curling iron, and set the curls. Conclusion: Recap the main steps and offer tips for maintaining and styling the curls, as well as closing with a call to action or final thoughts.