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Q: Can you use squid in making sushi?
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Is vegitarian sushi still a type of sushi?

Sushi is the rice, so technically is automatically vegetarian. It all depends on what kind you are making - not all of them use fish, some forms of sushi use vegetables only.

What would one find in a sushi making kit?

There may be many different things in a sushi making kit. One factor is how big the sushi making kit is. For a standard, small, sushi making kit, there may be seaweed, a bamboo roll, and some powdered vinegar, along with a recipe book.

What else do they eat in Japan besides sushi?

squid jerky, pig uterus, cow utter and rice

Can you use white distilled vinegar in place of sushi vinegar?

I say that It all depends on what you are making... If making sushi, i would never. Im all for substitutes but NOT in that case . it would not work,, in my opinion. The flavor of white vinegar is much stronger and harsher than sushi vinegar.

What raw fish is used to make sushi?

There is no such thing as raw sushi the raw fish component in sushi is actually called sashimiwhen cooked and combined with the Japanese sticky rice the dish is now called sushi.

Is sushi a simple dish?

Generally no, people take years of practice to perfect sushi making. Some types of sushi are harder to make than others, but generally sushi is hard to make.

Have you ever used a squid for food or as fish bait?

I'm part Japanese, so yeah. Dried squid is pretty tasty actually, it's sort of like fishy beef jerky. I think Ika (sold at most sushi places) is squid

Where can you buy Sushi Making Kits in Glasgow or Paisley?

Supermarkets like Sainsbury's have advertised and sold these in the past. Failing which, Amazon UK sell and deliver Sushi Making kits.

What are some skills japan brought to Australia?

Sushi making :)

What is the food staple in Japan?

Sushi Rice balls (dango) Japanese pancakes (okonomiyaki) Sukiyaki (lightly boiled vegies/thin slices of meat) Seaweed biscuits Dried squid Green tea, if it counts as a food

How is the colour of tobiko altered?

Tobiko is a Japanese word which means flying fish roe. Tobiko is used for making sushi. It usually has a red-orange color, but the color is sometimes changed through the addition of natural ingredients like squid ink, yuzu, or wasabi.

Why was the squid axon particularly appropriate for nerve research?

The squid axon is the largest axon known in the whole animal kingdom, the axon of the squid is also very much like humans and most mammal axon, thus making is an ideal axon to use during research