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Yes, it is possible to use Guitar Hero 1 Contoller on Guitar Hero 3, also on all of the Guitar Hero games.

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Q: Can you use the guitar heroes 1 controller on guitar heroes 3?
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Can you use Guitar Hero 3 controller with Guitar Hero 1?


Can you use a Guitar Hero 1 controller with Guitar Hero 3 for PS3?


Can you use a Guitar Hero 3 controller to play Guitar Hero 1?

yes yes

Can you use a Guitar Hero 1 controller with Guitar Hero 2?

If it has same buttons it should just be able to plug in

Can you use guitar hero 3 controller on rock band 1 for ps2?

yes...and you can use singstar mics for it to

Will a rock band 1 guitar controller work on guitar hero?


What Guitar Hero games can use a ps3 controller?

Every single Guitar Hero game released for the playstation three, also Guitar Hero 1 & 2 for the playstation two will be compatible if played with a PlayStation 3 console.

Will the Guitar Hero 3 guitar work on Guitar Hero 4?

Yes, the original guitar works for all of the new releases (so far) including rock band. But, the world tour edition is much sleeker, with the joystick closer to where your hand should be, and a star power button.

Do you have to have the guitar to play Guitar Hero?

Yes...that's why its called Guitar Hero... no, that's not true, you can play with the controllers on gh 1-3. once the microphone comes out you can no longer play with the controller, because that is the mic controller. in most cases yes.

Why are there two lights on the Guitar Hero guitar?

Hi, I have the PS3 guitar hero world tour and had the same problem, the 2 lights on were number 3 and 4, meaning that the guitar was being setup by the system as the controller number 7, press and hold the PS button to set your guitar to controller number 1.

Can you use the Wii Rock Band guitar controller on Guitar hero 3 for Wii?

Yeah you can use the GH I-III controllers as guitar and bass controllers in rock band. Although you can not use the Guitar Hero 1-3 guitar controllers on the PS3 console. You will need to buy the Rock Band guitar controller.

What do I need to use a guitar hero world tour guitar on rock band 1 for ps3?

Nothing. Guitar Hero controllers are not compatible with Rock Band 1. They won't be until Harmonix and Activision have an agreement, then make a patch for it. You need to buy a Rock Band / 2 controller to play it.