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yes you have to buy the keruig cup for it

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Q: Can you use the normal coffee from a bottle in the Keurig?
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Related questions

Do I need to purchase special coffee grounds or beans for the Keurig Gourmet coffee maker?

You can use any kind of ground coffee that you use with a regular coffee maker but you need to use the Keurig filters.

What is the famous and cheap Keurig coffee?

The famous and cheap Keurig coffee uses K-Cups to produce coffee. It is a much simpler way to make coffee than to use coffee grounds. Different Keurig coffee machines range in prices.

How do I begin to search for keurig coffee coupons or possibly coupons for the keurig coffee makers?

The keurig coffee maker always has coupon on the internet for people to use. We can go to the keurig coffee website to find it or simply add them on facebook, they will notice you there once the coupon is available.

Can you only use the Keurig pods in this machine or can you use different brands as well?

Any standard K-cup coffee package can be used with the Keurig B70 coffee brewer.

Do Keurig coffee coupons include K Cups?

Yes, some Keurig coffee coupons include K cups. If the coupon specifies K Cups, it is valid for these. You can also use a general coupon for Keurig.

How can one make a Keurig hot chocolate?

Keurig is the pioneer of the single serving coffee makers. It is possible to purchase not only coffee, but also an assortment of teas and hot chocolate in what are called K Cups, to use in a Keurig coffee maker.

Can you use tassimo in Keurig coffee machine?

It is not recommended. The only option is to open Tassimo disc and pour it into the reusable Kcup. Than use it for Keurig.

Will Kohls take Keurig coffee coupons?

They will not let you use outside coupons at their store. So you need to keep checking to see if their catalog or brochure has any for Keurig coffee.

What kind of filtration system does the Keurig special edition coffee brewer use?

The Keurig Special Edition coffee brewer requires use of their own line of K-cups, individual serving size packs of coffee that don't require the use of a separate filter.

Can you brew coffee from a K-cup without a Keurig system?

You can just open Kcup and use that coffee for regular coffee maker.

What kind of website is CoffeeForLess?

CoffeeForLess offers not only coffee but supplies in the areas of coffee use. For example, among their coffee pods and ground coffee, they also supply Keurig K-Cups. Keurig K-Cups are necessary for the coffee user on the go in place of a coffee mug.

Are there any current Keurig coupons available to use?

Yes there are places online where you can find Keurig coffee machine coupons, they are listed below: