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Q: Can you use wet and dry ice together?
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Why is dry ice dry and an ice cube wet?

Dry ice freezes and the wet ice and everything keeps cool and chilled but not frozen..obvousliy.

Does dry ice stick to a wet hand?


Does water ever get wet?

When water is in its solid form, ice, and is dry, that's when it can get wet.

Is dry ice wet?

Dry ice is frozen Carbon Dioxide. This solid "sublimates"; it turns into a gas without being a liquid at all. So no. You can't get wet dry ice.

When is the wet or dry season in the tundra?

The wet or dry season in the tundra is in the middle of the summer. The rest of the year? It's all ice and snow!

Why solid CO2 is known as dry ice?

Because it's not wet.

Why is the tundra Biome dry and not wet?

Even though you may think of snow as wet, it is actually ice and the tundra gets little precipitation, causing it to be dry

How many different types of ice?

there r three types of ice..dry ice,wet ice.and floating ice.

What is the use of dry and wet bulb tenperature?

How you would use a wet-bulb thermoter and a dry-bulb theremometer to fine the relative humidity?

Is a wet/dry steamer flat iron really ok on wet hair?

A wet to dry flat iron is designed to use the steam that is created from wet hair.

Explain why solid carbon dioxide is known as dry ice?

Solid carbon dioxide is known as "dry ice" because carbon dioxide as itself cannot exist in liquid form. Therefore, the ice is "dry," which is why it's called "dry ice." It looks like ice and it keeps things cold but it isn't wet.

Do you straighten your hair when its wet or dry?

Typically when it's dry, however, there are some straighteners that you can use on wet hair to go "wet-to-dry" .I recommend reading the instructions that came with the straightener.