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Q: Can you wash shirts with pants at the same time?
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What is the best way to wash Columbia ski pants?

The best way to wash Columbia ski pants are: empty the pockets of the pants, use stain pre treatment to remove any stains ahead of time, use a mild detergent to wash in cold water.

Why can't you wash wool pants?

you can't wash wool pants because they will shrink in the wash then you will not be able towear them. this is why you have to wash them by hand.

How do you wash a pleated skirt?

I have the same question - I have heard that I shuld hand-wash and twist dry or roll the shirts, but neither sounde logical.

Why does it take so long for the laundry to wash shirts by the great horn spoon?

The time it takes for laundry to wash shirts depends on factors like the washing machine cycle, water temperature, and the amount of detergent used. Shirts may take longer to wash if they are heavily soiled, or if the washing machine has a longer cycle selected.

How do you wash airbrush t shirts?

you simply lay the t-shirt down flat and airbrush a design onto it.

There is 2 red shirts 4 white shirts and a sock that's it but there are 4 pink shirts how?

The pink shirts ARE the white shirts but have gone through the wash with the red shirts and are now pink.

What is the recommended way to wash Champion tee shirts?

Use the recommended cleaning procedure that is printed on the tag label directly. Many shirts recommend that you machine wash or hand wash in cold water.

What would happen if you pooped your pants?

You would have to wash the pants and get scolded by your mama

Can you wash worsted wool pants?

You can wash worsted wool pants by hand. Washing them in the washing machine can cause them to become damaged or misshapen.

What can you wash with pants?

Surprisingly, you can wash quite a lot with pants. Tables, desks, whole rooms, dishes, glasses, vehicles, and much more!

Are men that do not wear undershirts dirty?

No. They just wash their outer shirts more often, while men who wear underwear wouldn't have to wash their outer shirts as often.