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No. Diabetics must eat and take their insulin. Often times blood sugars can go up and down for no apparent reason and it's difficult for some diabetics to adjust their dose of insulin. Hopefully in the near future there will be a cure. Some people are fortunate enough with on-set Diabetes to be able to go on a good diet and take the pill form of insulin. The older you get the more chance you have of having on-set diabetes so it's important to have your physical every year and blood tests done.


No they cannot. A Type 1 Diabetic needs Insulin to regulate & control the blood sugars. Once Insulin has started, its usually for life.

AnswerType-2 diabetics with very good self-control and constant blood-testing and exercise can sometimes achieve "diabetic remission" (see link below), meaning that they can control their diabetes with diet alone in future. These people are able to stop using insulin.

Note that diabetic remission is not a cure -- high blood sugar can return in case of some illnesses, or of poor diet and lifestyle, and the person must watch their diet and blood sugar carefully for the remainder of their life.

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A type II can reduce their insulin requirements through diet and exercise, but a type I is dependent on external insulin.

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