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Personally, i think black nylons looks better. Ultimately though, you should go with whatever you think looks better to you. Try on both if you need to in front of a mirror and decide for yourself. But black is my answer.

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Q: Can you wear tan nylons with short black dress?
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Can you wear a black dress with black nylons?

I always wear black nylons with a black dress in the evenings.. Absolutely you can. Perhaps go for an "off black" or "sheer black" color in the nylons. Pair that with pretty pumps or strappy sandals and you will look fantastic. You really should wear nylons with a black dress, even if the nylons are a different color.

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Any thin nylon should go great with a long silk black dress.

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I suppose if they're different shades of grey. it'd be safer to go with black, flesh toned, or white nylons, however. That way you don't have to worry about clashing :) Hope this helped!

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Wearing nylons when in a wedding party is up to the individual. If the mother of the bride is wearing a long dress or she has a tan on her legs and the weather is warm then no, she does not have to wear nylons. However, nylons can firm up a woman's leg and give them a softer and more shimmer of a look.

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Yes a black dress is good for any occasion.

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Yes, a short blue dress goes with black. But if it was a long dress down to your ankles, i would wear white or clear or blue shoes.

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Even though it's called Winter can wear any kind of dress you want. :) Normally at our school the girls wear short dresses to formal and short & long dresses to Prom. I'm wearing a short blue strapless for my upcoming formal. :) Your dress will work, trust me. :)

Can you wear silver shoes and a short black dress?

Yes, those will look awesome together!