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Yes! I have two bearded dragons, Ming Ming and Sweetie. Sweetie is about twice as large as Ming Ming. He is the male and Ming Ming is the female. Three days ago, I put Sweetie and Ming Ming on a blanket on the sofa on a cozy blanket. I left them alone for about five minutes. When I returned Ming Ming was on the blanket and Sweetie was gone. I searched closets, left out collard greens in the hallways for him to eat, but no luck. Just a few minutes ago, I passed the 55 gallon acquarium that the animals share. I looked down for some reason underneath the stand that holds their acquarium. Sweetie was laying there, somewhat curled up, under his home. Now how did he do that? He found his way from the family room to his home which is at least 20 feet away in a different room. I know he missed Ming Ming because she was extra alert and seemed distressed while Sweetie was gone.

I do not know if a bearded dragon can find his or her way home from outdoors but indoors, Sweetie did it. I consider him a hero! He had to Dodge our little Jack Russell Terrier to get back to his home but he made it intact. Not a scratch on his little body. Both dragons are about 2/3 grown up. I'm happy he is home. I missed him and now I have the feeling that they are more intelligent than we give them credit for confirmed. I hope your dragon comes home!

Kris in NC

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How big of habitat do you have to have for a bearded dragon to live happily in your home?

An adult bearded dragon should live in at least a 30gallon breeder tank because there needs to be a hot end and a cool end, and the deep ones works best. I have my bearded dragon in a 55gallon tank and it's narrow but still works.

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In a corner, or a closet! They like their privacy! Just make sure they're warm!!

Is this a good setup for a baby bearded dragon?

yes that is a good setup. but make sure your sand isnt home or beach sand

Is it possible to leave a pet reptile particularly a bearded dragon at home and go on vacation?

No.You should give it to a reptile shop for the time you go on vacation otherwise your bearded dragon could get ill or die from starvation.You could leave a snake for a week or two though.

Can bearded dragons live in 100 gallon tank?

Yes, and this would be a nice, appropriate-sized enclosure for a pair. Be certain to buy a book on bearded dragon care, and do thorough research, before bringing home any pet. Never take advice from pet store personnel.

How often should you bath a bearded dragon?

Bearded Dragons don't NEED a bath ! They are a desertspecies, who's natural home is the dry central area of Australia ! They would never seek out water to 'bathe' in, in their natural habitat - unless they wanted to drink it !

How do you treat a ill bearded dragon?

Take it too a vet that knows plenty about reptiles to diagnose it/ get advise or medication. But be careful because some vets can do worse as they have little knowledge on reptiles. Or you can get a book about bearded dragons for advise.

What is the cheapest bearded dragon cage?

the cheapest cage is a home made one i get sheets of fiber glass and wood sideings and caulk from home depo for close to nothing and they are really easy to make :)..also if someone has a big fish tank that is not being used that's a good idea to..hope this helps

Your Bearded dragon is lonely should you spend more time with it or get a new bearded dragon?

NO! Do not get another one! Even though they are chill and passive around other household pets, they HATE other bearded dragons! So whatever you do, DO NOT GET ANOTHER ONE!!!! They might mate, attack, get threatened, and become stressed! You should definitely just stick with one!If it does seem lonely there may be manny reasons why. It could be going through brumation, it isn't getting enough attention (this is not a good nor bad thing) so you could just take it out, show it outside, explore! Beardies love adventures but don't be afraid if it starts licking you, it just knows your scent! If you're scared that it might bite you, give it time! Start slowly by letting it just sit on you hands while it's still in the cage, it considers that it's home and safety. If it falls asleep on you then it's comfortable with you. If it closes it's eyes when you pet it, that means it doesn't like it and you should put it down and try another time. Try to pet in the middle right above their eyes, that's their favorite spot! Lastly, if your bearded dragon seems lonely, that's completely normal! They're the King Of Chill, so don't worry! Just whatever you DO NOT GET ANOTHER BEARDED DRAGON, that's just asking for chaos! I hope this helped!

Were are bearded dragons found?

they are found in the desserts of Australia (australasia) or in a pet store or home

Who stared with Tim Allen in home improvement?

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