What is the difference between a DODGE W-100 and a W-150?
The main difference between a DODGE W-100 and a W-150 lies in their payload capacities. The W-100 typically has a lower payload capacity compared to the W-150 due to differences in suspension and axle configurations. Additionally, the W-150 may have a more robust drivetrain and braking system to accommodate heavier loads. Overall, the W-150 is designed to handle heavier payloads and may have more towing capacity compared to the W-100.
Where is the cabin air filter on a 2007 dodge Dakota?
Well, friend, the cabin air filter on a 2007 Dodge Dakota is typically located behind the glove compartment. You'll need to open the glove compartment and gently squeeze the sides to release it fully. Once it's out, you should see the compartment housing the cabin air filter. Just slide the old filter out, replace it with a new one, and put everything back together with a touch of love and care. Happy filtering!
Where is the VIN on a 1940 Dodge Coupe?
Ah, the beautiful 1940 Dodge Coupe, what a classic beauty. The VIN number on a 1940 Dodge Coupe can typically be found on the driver's side door frame, the dashboard near the windshield, or the engine block. Just take your time and explore gently, like adding happy little details to a painting, and you'll find it in no time.
What is the fuel efficiency of a 1977 Dodge Sportsman motorhome?
The fuel efficiency of a 1977 Dodge Sportsman motorhome would depend on several factors, such as its engine size, weight, driving conditions, and maintenance history. Typically, older motorhomes like the Dodge Sportsman are not known for their fuel efficiency due to their larger size and older engine technology. On average, a 1977 Dodge Sportsman motorhome might get around 6-10 miles per gallon. It's important to note that individual mileage may vary.
What is the ticker symbol for welch's?
As of my last update, Welch's is a privately held company and does not have a ticker symbol for trading on the stock market. Ticker symbols are typically assigned to publicly traded companies to easily identify them on stock exchanges. Welch's is known for its grape juice and fruit snacks, and is not listed on any stock exchange for public trading.
Where is the starter on a 1999 Dodge Durango 5.8 liter?
A 1999 Dodge Durango did not have a 5.8L engine option. The starter on a 5.2L or 5.9L is
How fast would you have to be to dodge a bullet?
Dodging a bullet is very difficult due to the speed of a bullet, which can range from around 1,400 to 1,800 miles per hour. To have a chance of dodging a bullet, you would need to react and move in a fraction of a second, which is nearly impossible for most humans.
How did Annie dodge wauneka help Navajo people with tubercoulosis?
Wauneka visited the homes of individuals diagnosed with tuberculosis and urged them to go to hospitals for treatment. She answered their questions and explained to their families the importance of treatment. In addition, Wauneka urged the Navajo medicine men to educate sick individuals who visited them about the benefits of treatment.
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What would 5.2 liter equals in cubic inches?
5.4L equates to 329.5 cubic inches (61.02 cubic inches per litre).
What is the ticker symbol for Dodge?
Dodge is a part of the Chrysler company which is privately owned and there for does not have stock
How much horse power does a 318 dodge have?
it depends on your cam and exhaust valve,
the 360 with 423/423 lift and 1.600 ex valve has 205 hp police/tow package
if its the 205 hp tow package it will have a factory installed fifth wheel ball
or the box will be pre drilled for a fifth wheel.
the police package is rare its white w150 with fifth wheel or pre drilled
and uses the 3.23 or 3.55 gears for speed, if she will do 140 its a police package, they did use w250-350 but they had standard engines with low gears
the 360 with wimpy 395/395 lift and 1.630 ex valve has 190 hp standard engine
and sometimes they put flat tappet lifters in them and them versions were dogs only 175-180 hp
Will a 5.7 hemi fit a 4.7 transmission?
Doesn't matter if it does or not... that 4.7 transmission isn't built for the torque output of the 5.7, and all you'll accomplish is to destroy a transmission.
Who makes the Eco diesel for dodge?
The rumor originally was that Dodge and Nissan would both go with the 5.0 Cummins V8 for their 1/2 ton pickups. However, Dodge went with the VM Motori engine. VM Motori is a wholly owned subsidiary of Fiat.
How do you adjust the neutral safety switch on a 2005 Dodge Stratus?
The neutral safety switch is part of the transmission range sensor and is not adjustable. It is mounted on the valve body inside the transmission.
Are Ford and Dodge the same thing?
No. Ford and Dodge are two separate car companies that make completely different modeled cars.
How do you reset the ECU without a scanner for a dodge neon srt-4?
pull the yellow 20 amp fuse in the fuse and relay center. 2nd from the right. Leave it pulled for a minute. some people say 15 minutes but 1 minute did fine for me