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No, but your car can be repossessed if you don't make the payments.

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Q: Can your car be repossessed if you lose your job?
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If your driver's license is suspended can your car be repossessed?

Not for simply having your licence suspended. Now, if you lose your job as a result of it, and are unable to make your car payments, then it can be repossessed for nonpayment.

What happens if you get your car repossessed?

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How can you locate your repossessed car?

Your car was probably repossessed by the lender who owns the car until you pay for it. Call your lender and they will be able to tell you how to locate your repossessed car.

How can you have your car repossessed i lost my job and can't afford it.?

Did you give it back to the finance company? If you still have the car, job or no job, they will be expecting a payment every month. You may be able to call them and make payment arrangements with them.

What is better self surrender a car or have it repossessed?

Neither is very good, you lose your car either way. However I would recommend waiting for it to be repossessed because they may not take it. If you know for certain that they are going to take your car you should surrender it because it might make them slightly happier with you.

Can a car be repossessed from a car dealership?

if the car dealership does not pay for the car in full or pay their bills then the car would most likely be repossessed

Can a car be repossessed with a person in the car?


When a car is repossessed what do you do with the insurance?

When a car has been repossessed the person paying the insurance should cancel it.

If you tell an auto dealer that you have a job when you know you are quitting that job can you get in trouble?

If they have already approved your loan, you won't get in trouble. If you have trouble paying your loan because you don't have a job, your car will be repossessed.

Where do you get a car after your car was repossessed?

im sorry you can not

What do you do if you lose your job while in the process of finalizing a car loan?

With no job you might want to rethink whether you need a new car!

What can you do if your home gets repossessed?

Get a job