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possibly, if the egg is present and so is sperm it could happen also the pelvic bone probably has nothing to to with it

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Q: Can your girlfriend be pregnant if her pelvic bone hurts and she has not had her period yet?
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yes you can be my girlfriend even got off her period an found out she was

What does it mean when you pelvic area hurts and you do not have your period?

I'm not sure, but just remember that constant, non-stop pain should ALWAYS be checked out by your doctor. You should see your doctor any way to be sure you don't have any serious health problems.

You have not got your period your stomch hurts and it feels bigger?

You could be pregnant.

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Pregnant. Pregnant.

Why does it mean when your stomach hurts?

Well if your a female, it is usually Period Cramps. Well if your a male I do not know.

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Take a pregnancy test, if you feel that you might be pregnant, it will give you your answer and put you at ease.

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you might just be pregnant

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Not at all. It's often hormones doing that so you can be ovulating or getting your period, PMS.

If your breast hurts around the nipple area and sides of your breasts are you pregnant?

This is a pregnancy symptom, however it is also a symptom that your period is about to arrive. Take a pregnancy test if you miss your period

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No!!! That is a totally rediculous question

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It is possible. Frequent urination is a symptom of pregnancy. If your period is late, take a HPT.

Why when your partner touches your pelvic area it hurts if it is with all the fragility in the world?

you have may an infection. go and see a doctor