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Yes it can...exspecially when its 28 days or 31 days in a month. it also change when your body change in different will come,every month unless you are on the shot or pregant.but it change

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Q: Can your period come late
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Is it possible for stress to change a woman's period?

Yes stress can cause your period to come late be extremely light or not even come at all especially when your stressing about the possibility of being pregnant your period always seems to come late.....

Does your period come late under extreme stress?

I am 15 an I am a virgin but my period tends to be late could it be stress????

What if your period was supposed to come on the 16th and it hasn't come yet?

It most likely will come. Periods don't have clocks attached and many things can cause a period to be late several days. If you have been sick or under stress this can cause a late period. It will happen.

What could be wrong if your period is 6 days late and you have always had protected sex?

Stress and hormonal imbalances can cause your period to come late.

Period come early from stress?

Stress can cause your period to be early, late, or even skip a month.

What does it mean when you spot for a week have a late period followed by a light period?

why my period is come every week and 3to 4 days.

What is reson women periods come late?

your period may be late if you are pregnant

When did dinosaurs come alive?

About 230 million years ago in the late Triassic period.

If you always get your period on the same date and this month it's a day late should you take a pregnancy test?

It is very possible your period is simply a day late. In fact, it might end up being a week late! There are all kinds of factors that can influence when you get your period. Stress, travel, or even at random, your period might just come late. If it still hasn't come after a few days, and you are worried you may be pregnant, then take an early detection test.