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I just need to know what age is legal to drop out of high school?

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15y ago

In most states you can with leagal parent/guardian permission. It is also allowed in Texas.

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Q: Can your son drop out of school in Arkansas at age 16 he will be 17 in 3 months?
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Can a married 16-year-old drop out of school in Arkansas?

Arkansas has required education until age 17. And they have no emancipation statute. *When a minor becomes legally married he or she is considered to be emancipated for all practical legal purposes other than those that are restricted by law, for example buying and/or consuming alcohol; that being the case, a married minor can drop out of school without consent of parents, guardian or authorities. Arkansas Statute 9-26-104, "Removal of Disability of Age of a Minor".

Can you get a drivers license in minnesota if you drop out of high school?

Yes, but you must have had your permit for 4-6 months and/ or be 19 years of age or older.

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you dont have to go to school

Can you drop out of high school at the age of 14 in Alaska?

Certainly not! A 14 year old can not drop out of school!. Most states, including Alaska, have set a mandatory education age of 16. You must be at least that 16 in order to drop out of school. Please note that the unemployment rate for high school drop outs runs over 50% or higher in the current economy.

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Normally the testicles drop at about 6 months of age.

What age can you drop out of school in texas?


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Drop out age in Arkansas?

You can be 16 with parental consent and 17 without it

What is the legal age to drop out school in PA?

The legal age to drop out of school in Pennsylvania is 18. Students who are 17 may drop out if they meet certain requirements, such as having parent or guardian permission.

At what age can you drop out of school with parental consent in lubbock?

at the age of 16...

What is the leagal age of moving out of your parents house in Arkansas?

The legal age to move out of your parents' house in Arkansas is 18 years old. At this age, individuals are considered adults and can make their own decisions about where they live.

How old do you have to be to drop out of high school in Fresno?

There is no age requirement to drop out of High School.