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Xanax is not an opiate. Vicodin is an opiate.

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Q: Can zanax help get off opiates?
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Will fioricet show on a urine test as a benzodiaziapam?

No opiates are painkillers e.g ( hydracodone,oxy-codone),benzos are tranquilizers e.g zanax,klonopin,valium.

Does methadone get a person high or is it just to wean someone off other opiates?

Methadone can produce a high feeling if it is taken in excess and it can also be used to help someone to get off of other opiates.

Does zanax show up as an opiate on a drug screen?

no zanax is not an opiate it will not show up as one. however, i work in pain management and will know if a patient is taking zanaz .drug screening just aren't for one sole purpose doctors test of everything when doing a urine screen not just the opiates.

What is saboxin?

saboxin is a drug used to help with getting off of opiates and the withdrawls. i have a friend who has been highly addicted to opiates for many years who is now taking saboxin and very pleased with the results .

does saboxine reallt help people to stay off opients?

Suboxone can definitely help people to stay off of opiates. It is particularly helpful in reducing the negative withdrawal symptoms associated with suddenly stopping opiate abuse.

Any way to pass a ua drug screen for opiates?


what steps need to be taken while coming off of an opiate?

Opiates are rather dangerous drugs to try to quit "cold turkey" because of the severity of withdrawals. If at all possible, try to visit a doctor and get prescription to a drug like methodone (talk to the doctor about what the best option is) to help with coming off of the opiates safely.

Does zanax help you pass a urine drug test for meth?

NO. It does nothing to cover or hide meth if it is in your system, other than to help you relax and not have an anxiety attach knowing you'll be busted!

Is methadone easy to get off of?

no it is not easy to get off it methadone you need hospital treatment. to help you get dehydrated easily

Can you get hooked on simboxin?

yes it is like all other drugs, doctors give this to you to help get you off opiates and other drug addictions and once the feeling hits you you are never the same

Should you breast feed while taking zanax?

NO !!!

Why is the search bar green?

is there a green bar for zanax