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I would say that relevant to our population, the army is fairly large.

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Q: Canadian army was there any shortage of Canadians to the army?
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Canadians consume more of this than any other nation- What is it?

Maple syrup. Canada is the world's leading producer of maple syrup, and Canadians consume more of it per capita than any other nation.

Why would immigrants love to come to Canada?

Because Canada welcomes people as Canadians. Unlike other countries once you get Canadian status you are Canadian, with all the rights given to Canadians who have been here generations.You will even be called First Generation Canadian by older Canadians. Other First Generation Canadians will call you immigrant but you will be Canadian. You can even run for office and become our Prime Minister. Try that in any other country!

Where do you go to get in the Canadian army?

Any Canadian Forces Recruiting Centre in your city.

Do canadians benefit from people becoming honorary citizens?

Canadians do not benefit from people becoming honorary citizens. Honorary Canadians do not take the Oath of Citizenship and does not receive any rights or privileges typically held by a Canadian citizen.

Am I a draft dodger from Vietnam if I as a Canadian on an immigration visa I went to England when I received a draft notice?

Canada sent no men to Vietnam. Other than individual Canadians which crossed into the US and enlisted into the US Army/Marines. Several Canadians were killed in Vietnam while serving with the US Army/Marines. If any man receives a draft notice from his nation, and he ignores that notice; he's a draft dodger.

From which ethnic group do most Canadians originate?

There is no one dominate ethnic group in Canada. The majority in many areas are first (immigrants) and second generation Canadian primarily from Asia, Indian, China and other. The largest hyphenated Canadians would be French-Canadian's at about 25%. Many Canadians are ethnically Canadian (about 20 to 30% do not hyphenate their Canadianism). Many of them originate from Canada and proudly so. Ethnic Canadians have faced jail for claiming to be ethnically Canadian on Canadian census. After a few hundred years they have no connection to any other land, other than historically in which case we are all African mostly via Europe and Asia.

Is there any truly free Canadian tax software products out there?

TurboTax dot Intuit dot ca allows Canadians to work on and file their taxes for free. This is the best one for Canadians and is from a reputable company.

Are there any birds that travel with Canadian Geese?

Yes, smaller birds have been known to travel on the backs of Canadians.

What is Canadians favorite food?

Do you mean Canadian people's favorite Canadian food?Well it still varies because not all Canadians' favorite foods are Canadian food. If that makes any sense..But here are some Canadian food choices:ketchup chipsbutter tartspoutinesalmon jerkybakeapple pieXx

Why is hockey Canadian?

Because it was invented in Canada and per capita more Canadians play the game and follow it than in any other country.

How many people in Canada have chlamydia?

Estimates from Canadian research on chlamydia prevalence estimate that about 158,000 Canadians have chlamydia at any one time, representing about 0.7% of Canadians aged 14 to 59. (see related link).

Is the titanic a Canadian topic?

Canadians play a large part in the story of Titanic. There were 49 Canadians scattered in the lifeboats, there are 209 Titanic victims buried in Halifax, and the furthest west any passengers are buried now is in Winnipeg.