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Q: Canadian film rating system
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The Good Daughter - 2008 is rated/received certificates of: Australia:PG (film festival rating) France:-12 (film festival rating) India:G (film festival rating) UK:PG (film festival rating) USA:PG (film festival rating)

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When was Canadian Film Award created?

Canadian Film Award was created in 1949.

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Canadian Pacific - film - was created in 1949.

When did NSI Film Exchange Canadian Film Festival end?

NSI Film Exchange Canadian Film Festival ended in 2007.

What is the duration of Canadian Pacific film?

The duration of Canadian Pacific - film - is 1.58 hours.

Who makes movie rating laws?

In the United States, rating films is a voluntary system operated by The Motion Picture Association of America. Even though the system is voluntary, most theater chains will not show an unrated film.

What are Canadian film awards called?

The Canadian film awards are called ANNUAL GENIE AWARDS

When was Kingston Canadian Film Festival created?

Kingston Canadian Film Festival was created in 2001.

What is the duration of Days of Darkness Canadian film?

The duration of Days of Darkness - Canadian film - is 1.73 hours.

What does the you film rating stand for?

The 'U' film rating stands for 'Universal' - mean it's suitable for viewing by all ages.