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Sure you can and there is no reason not to get it done, it's your life, live it.

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Q: Cand you get a belly button pierce at age 45?
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What is the minimum age to get a belly button piercing in Indiana?

in Indiana girls start to pierce their belly button very young I know a girl shes from Indiana and she got her's pierced when she was seven

How old do you have do be to ge your belly button pierced?

Old enough to learn it's a "navel piercing" not a "belly button" piercing, we do not pierce belly buttons. The age is usually the age of majority, without parental consent, with parental consent it can be 16 years but this varies from state to state or province to province.

What is Legal age for belly button piercing in Kentucky?

In Kentucky, the legal age for getting a belly button piercing without parental consent is 18. Anyone under 18 would need parental permission to get a belly button piercing.

What is the age of consent in the UK to get a belly button piercing?

it is illegal to pierce any person under the age of 16 in the UK without parental consent.if you have your parents consent and they sign the form it is up to the piercer to set his personal choice of age limit. mine is 13 years and over.

Where can you get your belly button pierced at 15 in Mississippi?

In the state of Mississippi, it is unlawful to tattoo or pierce any minor under the age of 16, and even with proper parental consent at that age, it is at the discretion of the shop who they will and will not perform work upon based on age or even your own personal attitiude if they like.

Are there any piercing shops in phoenix Arizona that can pierce a 12 year olds belly button?

Nope, sorry. I wish they did. But any place that I've ever looked up has limited the age to 14 at the youngest with a parent.

What is the legal age to have your belly button pierced in the UK?

Either 13 or 14, the piercing shop I went to let me Pierce my Monroe and I was 12, some make exceptions and I got a discount because the owner thought I was awesome.

What is the legal age for getting your belly button pierced in Queensland Australia?

you have to be 18

Where to get your belly button pierced when your tweleve years old?

The answer is; you don't. Your too young to spell your own age correctly so your hardly old enough to have a belly button piercing.

What is the age of belly button piercing in fallbrook?

Call your local piercing studio and ask them.

How old do you have to be to get a belly button pierced in Montana?

any age if you find the right person

Which is better a Fake Belly button ring or a belly button piercing with a belly button ring?

clip-on fake belly button ring Seriously in this day and age of fake reality TV who likes posers? There are not a lot of piercing enthusiasts who like posers, if you want a piercing get a piercing but don't fake it. Rule of thumb if it's phony on the out side the inside can't be much better.