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capital punishment should be abolished in the U.S.

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Q: Capital punishment should be abolished in the US?
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What is your hypothesis about capital punishment?

It is not nor will ever be a deterrant to murder or other heinous acts. In the US, the death penalty is unfairly imposed in regards to race, social and economic status. The possibility of executing and innocent person far outweighs the argument for imposing the death penalty, and therefore capital punishment should be abolished.

When did capital punishment begin in the US?

It was always there since its inception aside from a short break while the justice system was trying to work out whether they were advanced human beings or not.

What physical punishment was abolished in the US navy in the nineteenth century?

Commodore Uriah Philips Levy of the US navy sought to end immoral punishment and harsh practices in the US navy. In 1850 he was able to ban flogging as a punishment for US sailors.

Should us continue to use capital punishment?

this is a choice that people can vote on, some people are against and some people are for!!

Is drawn and quartering still a form of capital punishment in us?

Of course not. The US has always prohibited "cruel and unusual punishment".

Tenth grade board exams should be abolished or what?

Yes, they should be abolished because as a student I know the consequences faced by us.

What did the 13th Amendment abolish?

slaveryThe thirteenth amendment abolished slavery.

What was the time period when hanging was used in the US as capital punishment?

Black 1930-2002

I need a specific example that shows why double jeopardy should be abolished?

There is no need for such an example or such an argument. Double Jeapordy IS abolished in the US by virtue of the US Constitution.

What amendment slavery?

The Thirteenth Amendment to the US Constitution abolished slavery and involuntary servitude, except as a criminal punishment. (It was ratified on December 6, 1865.)

How many juveniles were on death row in 2008?

None. The US Supreme Court declared capital punishment for juvenile offenders is unconstitutional in Roper v. Simmons,543 US 551 (2005). This decision overturned capital punishment laws in 25 states.

What is the goal of capital punishment in the us?

I think that the goal of capital punishment in the U.S. is that it wants to show people how they can get killed as how they killed/murdered another person/people as a crime and the police can track you easily because of technology these days.