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Because they contain ionic and covalent bonds

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Q: Carbohydrates are well suited to energy storage because the contain many bonds of what?
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How do cells carbohydrates?

Cells use carbohydrates as a source of energy and for energy storage.

What do carbohydrates provide for the cell?

Carbohydrates provide energy for the cell. They are broken down into glucose during metabolism, which is used as a primary source of energy to fuel cellular activities. Carbohydrates also play a role in cell structure and serve as a storage form of energy.

Which class of organic molecules provide long-tern energy storage?

Lipids, specifically triglycerides, provide long-term energy storage in the form of fat in animals and oils in plants. These molecules are highly efficient at storing energy because they contain more energy per gram than carbohydrates or proteins.

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Why do muscle cells use triglycerides for energy instead of carbohydrates?

Muscle cells use triglycerides for energy instead of carbohydrates because triglycerides make energy for storage, insulation, and organ protection

What are starch and carbohydrates?

Source of carbohydrates, and in plants is used as a form of energy storage.

What do cell use as a source of energy and for source of energy storage?


What is the job of a Carbohydrates?

Carbohydrates are primarily used as an energy source for the body. They also aid with short term energy storage.