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Carbon based molecules are part of the family of compounds known as organic. Carbon bonding to other atoms is almost always of covalent nature; electrons are shared.

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Carbon bonding is almost entirely?


Carbon bonding is almost entirely hydrogen?

Carbon atoms can form strong bonds with hydrogen atoms to create hydrocarbons, which are compounds made of carbon and hydrogen. These bonds are mainly covalent, where electrons are shared between the atoms, to form stable molecules. This characteristic of carbon bonding with hydrogen makes it a key feature in organic chemistry.

What type of bonding pattern is found in carbon?

Carbon typically forms covalent bonds with other atoms, sharing electrons to achieve a full outer shell. This allows carbon to form a variety of complex molecules and structures.

What type of bonding has dimond?

Diamond has covalent bonding, where atoms share electrons to form strong bonds. This results in a rigid and tightly packed structure, giving diamond its hardness and unique properties.

What percent of Mars is carbon dioxide?

About 95% of Mars' atmosphere is composed of carbon dioxide. This abundance of carbon dioxide plays a key role in the planet's thin and cold atmosphere.

Which organs use carbon?

All organs in the body contain carbon as it is a fundamental element in organic molecules such as proteins, lipids, carbohydrates, and nucleic acids. Carbon is essential for life processes and is found in every cell of the body.

The sun is made mostly of carbon and oxygen?

Actually, the sun is mostly composed of hydrogen (about 74%) and helium (about 24%). Carbon and oxygen make up only a very small fraction of the sun's composition. The high temperatures and pressures in the sun's core cause hydrogen atoms to fuse together, creating helium and releasing energy in the form of light and heat.

What is a molecule composed almost entirely of hydrogen and carbon?

That's a reasonable description of a "hydrocarbon"

What does almost entirely mean?

almost entirely

What are bonding characteristics of carbon?

Carbon can form double bonds

What is the type of bonding in a molecule of carbon dioxide?

carbon isotopes

What carbon is unique due to the carbon atoms?

Bonding Properties