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Q: Carbon dioxide is removed from the atmosphere?
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What gas is removed from the atmosphere by plants and algae?

it removes carbon.

What substance is removed from the atmosphere so that plants can carry out photosynthesis?

That is carbon dioxide. It is a raw material

How many pounds of carbon dioxide is remove form the atmosphere annually when a tree is removed?

When a tree is removed, it can no longer remove any carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.

How can carbon dioxide be removed from the earths atmosphere?

More green plants!

Which gas is removed from the atmosphere during photosynthesis?

carbon dioxideCarbon Dioxide

What removed carbon dioxide from the atmosphere acting as a carbon sink?

Other than photosynthesis, the formation of carbonates in the ocean traps carbon from the atmosphere.

Carbon dioxide is building up in your atmosphere for two reasons The first is that many of your activities produce carbon dioxide The second reason is that some of your activities limit the amount of?

The amount of carbon dioxide being removed from the atmosphere. (These activities are cutting down and destroying forests.)

Does photosynthesis take carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere?

No, Cellular Respiration returns carbon dioxide back into the atmosphere: Photosynthesis: Carbon Dioxide + Water -> Light Energy -> Sugar + Oxygen Cellular Respiration: Sugar + Oxygen -> C.R. -> Carbon Dioxide + Water

What planet has a thick carbon dioxide atmosphere?

Venus has the thickest carbon dioxide atmosphere.

What increases the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere acting as a carbon dioxide?

Burning fossil fuels (coal, oil and natural gas) and deforestation increase the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. Respiration and other aspects of the carbon cycle do not increase the amount as a similar volume is being removed at the same time.

Why is there is so little carbon dioxide and more oxygen in Earth's atmosphere?

Algae and later plants carried out photosynthesis, which uses sunlight to convert water and carbon dioxide into sugar and oxygen. This process removed carbon dioxide from the air and added oxygen. Additional carbon dioxide was removed and locked away in carbonate rocks such as limestone.

Why process removes carbon from the atmoshere?

Carbon in the atmosphere is in the form of the greenhouse gas carbon dioxide, and this is removed largely by photosynthesis, from growing plants and trees.