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Of the major biomolecules, lipids, carbohydrates, proteins and nucleic acids, only nucleic acids are not present in cell membranes. Lipids make up the bilayer; proteins craete pumps and channels; carbohydrates are part of glycoproteins but no RNA or DNA is present.

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Q: Cell membranes are made of all macromolecules except?
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What are cell walls and cell membranes made of?


What macromolecules make up the composition of the organelles of the cell?

Proteins, carbohydrates, lipids are the macromolecules that make up the organelles and cell. Plasma membrane, and other membranes are formed by phospholipids, proteins, and oligosaccharides. cytoskeletal networks is made up of proteins. Ribosome is full of RNA and proteins.

What cell membranes made of?


Are cell membranes only in animals?

Yes -- plant cells have cell walls made of cellulose, instead of cell membranes.

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surface of cell membranes

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What are the basic type of membrane?

the basic type of membrane according to cell biology is a lipid bilayer with proteins embedded in it. most membranes are made this way except for difference in some biomolecules but the basic structure is the same that is a lipid bilayer with proteins embedded in it

Cell membranes are made up of what?

cell membranes are made of of a lipid bilayer with proteins embeded in it. A lipid bilayer is two layers of phospholipids with the polar head on the surfaces and the nonpolar hydrocarbon tails in the middle

If animal cell has cell wall?

Animal cells do not have cell walls--only cell membranes. All cells have cell membranes made of a phospholipid bilayer. Cell walls, which are located outside of a cell's membrane, are made of various materials depending on the type of cell. They are found in plants (cellulose), fungi (chitin) and bacteria (peptidoglycan).

Which cell structure does phospholipid affect the function of?

The cell membrane and the membranes of all of their organelles are made of phospholipids.

Cell Membranes are contructed mainly of?

Cell membranes are made of a phospholipid bilayer.

Are cell membranes in plants made of cellulose?

No. The cell membrane of all cells is made of phospholipids. The cell wall of plants is made of cellulose.