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Q: Cells contain many different chemical compounds. Which compound is represented in the greatest amount?
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What a compound is and how compounds are formed?

Compounds are made by elements bonding together. They are represented by the chemical formula. The chemical formula shows the elements and their ratios in the compound.

An ionic compound is not represented by a molecular formula because an ionic compound?

Ionic compounds are conventionally represented by chemical formulas; but after contemporary knowledge ionic compounds have complex, long chain molecules.

What chemical are used to represent chemical substances such as compound?

The representative for a chemical compound is the chemical formula.

What has different properties than the elements from which they are made?

A substance that has properties different from the chemical elements in it is a chemical compound. A chemical compound is built from chemical elements that are chemically bonded together. And the "finished product" will have chemical properties that are unique to that compound, and different from the properties of the substances that make it up.

Define a compound and explain how compounds in living organisms are different from compounds in non biological materials?

compound) is a pure chemical substance consisting of two or more different chemical elements[1

What is the chemical formula for coffee?

Coffee is a heterogenous mixture of different compounds. It is not a single compound and does not have a chemical formula.

A material that can be represented by a chemical formula?

A material that can be represented by a chemical is a compound.

What is true about molecular compounds?

Two or more elements are chemically bonded.

What is a compound and are compounds related to molecules?

A chemical compound is a pure chemical substance that consists of two or more different chemical elements which can be separated into simpler substances by a chemical reaction. A molecule is the smallest unit of a compound.

Is spaghetti and meatballs an element a mixture or a compound?

A mixture.They are mixtures. They does not have a single chemical composition. They are made of different compounds.

A chemical compound is represented by what?

It represents the composition of a compound

What combines to form compounds?

Atoms of elements combine to form compounds. A chemical compound is a pure chemical substance consisting of two or more different chemical elements that can be separated into simpler substances.