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Q: Cells that form concentric rings around blood vessels?
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Cells and matrix are arranged in concentric layers around a canal with blood vessels in it?

Osseous Tissue has this arrangement.

Why red blood cells do not contain blood vessels?

Red blood cells are too small to contain blood vessels. They are cells and they travel in blood vessels.

Do blood vessels transport cells?

Yes. Blood vessels transport blood cells.

What is a strand of cytoplasm that connects the bone cell to the blood supply?

Components of Haversian system: osteocytes (spider-shaped bone cells that lie in "lacunae") that have laid down a matrix of collagen and calcium salts in concentric lamellae (layers) around a central Haversian canal containing blood vessels and nerves.The Haversian canal contains small blood vessels responsible for the blood supply to osteocytes (individual bone cells).

What the cause for theblood to flow through the blood vessels?

Blood doesn't flow through blood vessels, there are blood vessels in your blood known as red blood cells and white blood cells. The red blood cells carry oxygen and the white help fight diseases.Your blood flows through a system of artries and viens.

Are the only blood cells that function entirely in blood vessels?

The only blood cells that function entirely within the blood vessels are red blood cells.

What are different blood vessels and their functions?

red blood cells: go around your body white blood cells: are antibodies that destroy bacteria and microbes in your body

What happens to the oxygen after the erythrocytes are pumped into cells?

Nothing as erythrocytes (i.e. red blood cells) are never"pumped into cells". They stay inside the blood vessels, circulating around and around.

Which part of the blood carries water around the body?

The part of the blood cell that carries water around the body are the plasma cells

Does oxygen travel all around your body to your cells through your blood vessels?


Epidermal cells are supplied with nutrients from blood vessels located in the?

Epidermal cells are supplied with nutrients from blood vessels in the

What type of blood vessels carries blood and to the cells?

Canary blod vessels