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Q: Cells that free calcium from bone to maintain blood calcium levels are called?
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What does the osteoclasts do?

Ostioclasts are the cells that lay down the calcium salts that are the bony part of bone. Ostioblasts are the cells that dissolve the bony salts. Note : condroclasts and chondroblasts do the same thing for the collagen matrix of bone. They all work together to form and modify bone.

A function of the skeletal system is to act as a storage area for calcium true or false?

True, blood calcium is very tightly regulated there are two types of bone cells that will either take up excess calcium if blood levels get too high or break down bone to release calcium if blood levels get to low. Both of these bone cells are controlled by the endocrine system in the body.

What are special cells called that maintain tissues by unending cycles of cell division?

They are called stem cells.

What are bones cells that liquefy bone matrix and release calcium to the blood called?

Bone cells that liquefy the bone matrix and release calcium into the blood are called Osteoclasts. Immature or matrix depositing bone cells are called osteoblasts.

Osteoclasts in bone tissue have the effect of raising calcium levels in the blood What?

Osteoclasts break down bone, which will essentially increase the amount of free calcium in the blood stream. Osteoblasts "build" bones from the free calcium in the blood. Calcium is involved in muscle contraction, so if you lack the necessary calcium in your diet, your body will actually break down bone material in order to obtain the necessary calcium for proper muscle function.

Related questions

How can you say bones are dynamic structure?

Bones are dynamic in the sense that they are constantly being broken down and built back up. When blood calcium levels are low, cells called osteoclasts break down bone matrix and release the calcium into the blood. When blood calcium levels are high, cells called osteoblasts take calcium out of the blood and use it the built bone matrix.

Parathyroid hormone functions to stimulate activity in?

Parathyroid hormone functions to stimulate activity in bone cells to release calcium into the bloodstream when blood calcium levels are low. This helps to maintain proper calcium levels in the body for normal nerve and muscle function.

What hormone would expect the body to produce if you did not have enough calcium in your diet?

Your body's hormonal system (the endocrine system) is not programmed to respond to a lack of calcium in the diet. If it did have an opportunity to respond to low levels of calcium it might secrete more calcitonin, the hormone that helps build bone by decreasing blood calcium levels and encouraging the bone-building cells called osteoblasts to produce mature bone cells called osteocytes.

What glands or organs produces hormones that tend to decrease blood calcium levels?

The thyroid gland has certain cells known as parafollicular cells (AKA C cells) that secrete a hormone known as calcitonin that can decrease blood calcium levels.

What does the osteoclasts do?

Ostioclasts are the cells that lay down the calcium salts that are the bony part of bone. Ostioblasts are the cells that dissolve the bony salts. Note : condroclasts and chondroblasts do the same thing for the collagen matrix of bone. They all work together to form and modify bone.

How do bone cells help maintain homeostasis?

The skeletal system contribute to homoeostasis in various ways. It produces new red blood cells to replace the old ones and also uses the osteoblasts and osteoclasts cells to maintain balance in the body.

Which is not a factor for why your body needs calcium in significant amounts?

*Calcium maintains healthy red blood cells. Calcium is part of a functioning of the nervous system. Calcium is important in blood clotting. Calcium helps forms and maintain bones and teeth.

A function of the skeletal system is to act as a storage area for calcium true or false?

True, blood calcium is very tightly regulated there are two types of bone cells that will either take up excess calcium if blood levels get too high or break down bone to release calcium if blood levels get to low. Both of these bone cells are controlled by the endocrine system in the body.

What are special cells called that maintain tissues by unending cycles of cell division?

They are called stem cells.

What are bones cells that liquefy bone matrix and release calcium to the blood called?

Bone cells that liquefy the bone matrix and release calcium into the blood are called Osteoclasts. Immature or matrix depositing bone cells are called osteoblasts.

When a muscle is relaxed calcium levels are high in?

When a muscle is relaxed, calcium levels are low inside the muscle cells due to active transport mechanisms that store calcium in the sarcoplasmic reticulum. This low calcium level prevents muscle contraction as it is needed for the binding of actin and myosin during muscle contraction.

What is the vitamin calcitrol used for?

The vitamin calcitrol, also known as "activated vitamin D", is used to supplement a lack of natural vitamin D in the body. It helps to maintain calcium levels in your blood, bones, and stomach and helps the cells in your body work properly.