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If the cerebrospinal fluid is leaking from the nose/mouth it is called Cerebrospinal fluid rhinorrhea and that code is 349.81. If the fluid is leaking from the ears, it is called Cerebrospinal fluid otorrhea and that code is 388.61. Brenda M. St. Louis, MO

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Q: Cerebrospinal fluid leak ICD-9 code
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What are some complications of cerebral aneuryms that leak?

Common complications of cerebral aneurysms that leak include hydrocephalus (the excessive accumulation of cerebrospinal fluid) and persistent spasms of blood vessels that adversely affect the maintenance of arterial blood pressure.

What are some complications of cerebral aneurysms that leak?

Common complications of cerebral aneurysms that leak include hydrocephalus (the excessive accumulation of cerebrospinal fluid) and persistent spasms of blood vessels that adversely affect the maintenance of arterial blood pressure.

Clear liquid coming from a victims nose indicates?

When a person suffers a head injury it is possible for cerebrospinal fluid to leak out. After a head injury if the victim has clear fluid coming from the nose or ears it should be checked to determine if it is cerebrospinal fluid.

Why would clear fluid leak out when you put your head down?

You should consult a medical professional who can test the fluid to find its source.This could be as harmless as nasal fluid built up in the sinuses, or more troublesome if it consists of overproduction by the tear ducts draining through the nose. Rarely, and more seriously, this could be lymph fluid, or even excess cerebrospinal fluid.

Is achondroplasia lethal?

No, achondroplasia by itself is not fatal, however there are some life threatening complications that can arise from abormal bone growth like hydrocephalus (an abnormal cerebrospinal fluid leak into the brain) which if not detected and left untreated can be fatal.

How do you repair a power steering fluid leak?

A power steering fluid leak is most often repaired by replacing the damaged seals or hoses. These trouble spots allow fluid to freely leak from the system.

How do I fix a ear Brake fluid leak 1993 Chevy silverald?

I have a brake fluid leak on a Chevy truck silveraldo

Where would you locate a transmission fluid leak on a 2001 Chevrolet Metro?

You can locate the transmission fluid leak on your 2001 Chevy Metro by looking at the transmission fluid on the ground. Look above the transmission fluid stain and you should be able to see the source of the leak.

Where does the brake fluid leak from?

My penis.

Where does transmission fluid leak from?

Transmission fluid can leak from many places. It could leak from the actual transmission itself, or any of the tubing that goes from the transmission to other parts of the car.

Could filling the transmission fluid too high cause a leak?

Yes, that can cause the fluid to foam up and leak out of the vent.