

Changing magnetic field creates what?

Updated: 9/26/2023
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Q: Changing magnetic field creates what?
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How is electricity and megnetisem related?

When a change occurs within a magnetic field there is an an electrical current present within a wire. As the electricity flows through the wire a magnetic field. The changing magnetic field creates a magnetic field. As this pattern continues these two fields induce each other through space.

How winding creates a magnetic field?

Current flow in any conductor creates a magnetic field, winding just concentrates it.

Can a changing magnetic field produce a steady electric field?

Not a steady but a moving electric field can be produced by ever changing magnetic field.

What is magnetic order?

Selenium is diamagnetic; it only creates a magnetic field in opposition to an external magnetic field.

What is selenium's magnetic ordering?

Selenium is diamagnetic; it only creates a magnetic field in opposition to an external magnetic field.

Why is a vibrating electric field an example of an electromagnetic wave?

The changing electric field will produce a magnetic field; the changing magnetic field will cause an electric field; both will propagate as a wave - an electro-magnetic wave.

If light was not matter then how does it move?

Light photons are not "mass-less" but they are not particles either. In fact light behaves a bit like electromagnetic waves which is fluctuations of electric and magnetic fields.Maxwell's equations (wave formula) states that a changing electric field creates a magnetic field, and a changing magnetic field also creates an electric field. You can probably already see that a disappearing magnetic field creates an electrical field which will in turn create the magnetic field, and so on.this process continues as one field spawns the next. The result is a wave form which can travel through vacuum of space (it does not require a medium).In the past, it was believed that these waves travelled through a luminiferous aether. A number of scientists searched for the aether (among others Michelson-Morely) but eventually the theory had to be discarded as no evidence was found. Eventually the theory was replaced when Einstein proposed his general theory of relativity.

How does electricity cause magnetism?

Changing the amount of magnetic field (known as "flux") through a conductor exerts a force on charged particles (electrons in the wire). A change in magnetic field strength in a region of space induces an electric field which circles the magnetic field lines, surprisingly whether or not there is a conductor there or not. It turns out that magnetism and electricity are inherently linked, they are kind of manifestations of the same thing. If "something" has the property of electric charge, it creates an electric field. If that something moves, it creates a magnetic field.

Changing a magnetic field generates what?


Creates a magnetic field?

Both magnetic materials and moving electric charges induce magnetic fields.

What creates magnetic fields?

Basically moving electric charges will create a magnetic field.

What is the relationship between magnetic fields and electricity?

-- A current flowing through a conductor creates a magnetic field around the conductor. -- Moving a conductor through a constant magnetic field creates a current in the conductor. -- If there's a conductor sitting motionless in a magnetic field, a current flows in the conductor whenever the strength or direction of the magnetic field changes.