

Characteristics of prokaryotes

Updated: 6/10/2024
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14y ago

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Prokaryotes don't have a nucleus or membrane-bound organelles. They have a nucleoid which houses their genetic material, but they lack an internal membrane system. Eukaryotes are approximately ten times the size of prokaryotes

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1h ago

Prokaryotes are characterized by the absence of a true nucleus; their genetic material is typically found in a nucleoid region. They lack membrane-bound organelles. Prokaryotes are typically smaller in size compared to eukaryotic cells and are unicellular organisms.

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9y ago

Prokaryotes do not have a true nucleus..this means that they do not have a distinct area where all of their genetic information is stored carefully with a membrane (nuclear envelope) to regulate the entrance and exit of material into and out of the nucleus...

In fact, they have no membrane bound organelles at they don't have chloroplasts, mitochondria or any of the organelles involved in protein synthesis (such as the Golgi apparatus or the Endoplasmic reticulum) and photosynthesis this means they do not have the ability to fight in environments which are harsh ...

The DNA of prokaryotes is in the form of a single loop which is sometimes called a circular chromosome, unlike the linear chromosomes of eukaryotes.

Since prokaryotes have no mitochondria, their ATP production/respiration happens in specialised regions in the cell surface membranes called mesosomes.

Prokaryotic cells can also have cell walls but unlike plant cells they are not made of cellulose, instead they are made of peptidoglycan/murein...

Some prokaryotic cells have flagella...they function like eukaryotic flagella but have a different and more complex internal structure.

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Do not have a nucleus?

Cells without a nucleus are known as prokaryotic cells, commonly found in bacteria and archaea. They have their genetic material located in the cytoplasm, not enclosed within a membrane-bound nucleus. This lack of nucleus allows for efficient and rapid gene expression essential for their simple structure and rapid reproduction.

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