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Natural Selection

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Q: Charles Darwin suggested that the evolution of living organisms is guided by?
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Who suggested the theory of evolution?

Charles Darwin and Alfred Russel Wallace independently came up with evolution around about the same time. Darwin was the one to gain the first evidence for it, and suggested the process of natural selection as the driver of evolution.

What scientist suggested that organisms slowly acquired physical characteristics?

Charles Darwin and his theory of evolution. Strictly speaking, Charles Darwin did not put forward the "theory of evolution". He publish a book called "On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection OR The Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life". The theory of evolution had been around for a long time, in fact, his grandfather, Erasmus Darwin, had proposed evolution 75 years before Charles published his book. Charles Darwin gave us the driving force for evolution - Natural Selection. There had been suggestions for evolution and evidence in fossils well before Charles Darwin. It is just that nobody could work out why until Charles.

What ideas related to evolution did lamarck and Charles Darwin share?

The basic one of evolution. That organisms change over time.

What kind of beliefs did Charles Darwin have?

Charles Darwin was the man who produced the theory of evolution, which describes how species of organisms, by a process of natural selection, gradually evolve into other species.

How did Darwinism change history?

Charles Darwin changed history with his theory of evolution. His theory of evolution suggested that species undergo small changes over time.

What is Evolution according to Charles Darwin?


What did Charles Darwin contribute in the community?

Charles Darwin contributed the Theory of Evolution.

Did Charles Darwin discover rocks and minerals?

No. Charles Darwin hypothesized about evolution.

What is the theory of evolution by Charles Darwin?

See the related link on Charles Darwin.

What did Darwin's theory of evolution suggest?

Darwin's theory of evolution suggested that species evolve over time through a process called natural selection, where organisms with favorable traits are more likely to survive and reproduce. This process leads to the gradual change and adaptation of species to their environment.

Who proposed the idea of survival of the fittest is a theory of evolution?

Charles Darwin. Also known as Darwin's Theory of Evolution.

Why was Charles Darwin interested in the islands?

What intrested Charles Darwin about the Galapagos Islands was the evolution.